Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

The Grasshoppe­r


Grasshoppe­rs are a popular insect among kids. This flying creature belongs to the scientific suborder of Caelifera. Most grasshoppe­r species are green in colour but there are also some species which come in red, yellow, brown or black colours. Having different colours helps them blend in with different background­s and evade predators. Green grasshoppe­rs camouflage themselves among grass and sandy coloured ones camouflage themselves among sand and dirt.

Scientists have identified over

11,000 species of grasshoppe­rs around the world. As their name suggests, they can be easily found in meadows and grasslands. A grasshoppe­r has compound eyes, two antennae on top of the head, six legs and two pairs of wings. They have two pincers which they use to tear off food such as grass, cereal crops and leaves.

Unlike most of the other insects, the female grasshoppe­r is large in size in comparison to her male partner. The mother grasshoppe­r lays a batch of eggs in a hole dug in the ground. After several weeks, the eggs hatch and baby grasshoppe­rs come out of them.

Grasshoppe­rs are an infamous pest since large swarms of grasshoppe­rs could destroy an entire field of crops. In some countries including Indonesia, Mexico and Thailand, grasshoppe­rs are a popular meal, most of the time served fried!

Grasshoppe­rs have widely been used in literature since the time of the Egyptian civilizati­on. The ‘Grasshoppe­r and the Ant’ is one of Aesop’s Fables. A number of movies and cartoons have been made using grasshoppe­rs as characters. Spiders, small birds and mammals including some monkeys are predators of grasshoppe­rs.

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