Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



For many, nothing kills the joys of travelling more than the act of having to pack. Always the biggest chore before the best days of your life, packing usually plays a significan­t role in your peace of mind when travelling. Have you packed in preparatio­n of unforeseen emergencie­s? Or have you packed only the essentials? Below are a the most common types of packers. Which one are you?

The organised packer

The organised packer will have studied their travel location to the T, and plan how they will pack their bags in advance. To ensure nothing is forgotten, they will make travel checklists. So you can be pretty sure they will have thought of every minute detail you most definitely never thought of.

The double packer

Travelling for one week? These people will pack for two. Or even more. While they will initially be subjected to our constant jabs about over packing, we will ultimately turn to them should we need anything. Especially because they've always got extras of everything.

The last minute packer

This person packs their bag at the very last minute mostly because of who they are as a person. They like living on the edge, and the thrill of deadlines. But although they may pack at the very last second, they usually have the essentials mapped out in their head. So they will typically remember to pack everything they need.

The haphazard packer

This aimless soul will pack whatever comes their way without a second thought. Going to the Swiss Alps? Ah, this summer hat may come in handy. Or that sundress. When at the location, the haphazard packer will definitely turn to you for stuff they may have forgotten to pack. From toothpaste to climate specific clothing and everything in between, you never know what they may have failed to pack.

The bare essentials packer

The antithesis of the over-packer, the bare essentials packer will pack only items they believe are absolutely necessary. They also don't shy away from repeating clothes, because what counts is the experience right?

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