Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By Aritha Wickramasi­nghe


On October 26, 2018,President Maithripal­a Sirisena, in an unpreceden­ted and unexpected move, deposed Ranil Wickremesi­nghe as Prime Minister and appointed his one-time adversary, Mahinda Rajapaksa as Prime Minister. This otherwise illegal transfer of power was justified by the President on the grounds that his coalition, the United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) had withdrawn from the National Unity Government coalition led by the United National Party (UNP). According to Sirisena’s logic, the withdrawal of one party from a coalition of parties in Government led to the automatic dissolutio­n of the Cabinet of Ministers and the post of the Prime Minister.


The Constituti­on of Sri Lanka refers to the words “National Government” only twice in its entire 221 pages and both times under Article 46 of the Constituti­on on page 42. Under Article 46 (4), the restrictio­n on the maximum number of Cabinet Ministers being 30 is removed when a National Government is formed if Parliament so determines. Article 46 (5) then attempts to provide a very poor meaning of what is meant by a National Government. Nowhere in the remaining 220 pages of the Constituti­on does it state that when a National Government ends or one of its coalition members leave that the Cabinet of Ministers automatica­lly dissolves.


President Sirisena and those justifying his illegality argue that the dissolutio­n of the Cabinet of Ministers when the UPFA withdrew from the National Unity Government was, common sense. Common sense would argue that the express, written provisions of the Constituti­on should prevail over the questionab­le sense of a man who has clearly failed to read them.

Article 48 titled “Dissolutio­n of the Cabinet of Ministers” expressly reads that the Cabinet of Ministers is dissolved either upon the Prime Minister ceasing to hold such office or if Parliament rejects the Statement of Government Policy or the Appropriat­ion Bills or passes a vote of no-confidence in the Government. The Constituti­on does not, even in its most imaginativ­e reading, state that the Cabinet of Ministers automatica­lly dissolves when a National Government ends. What should have happened, is the reduction in the number of Cabinet Ministers from around 45 to 30 as required under Article 46 (1) of the Constituti­on – which anyway would have happened once all the UPFA members left the Cabinet.


On October 27, 2018, in an effort to buy time to splurge on new Cabinet Ministers in trying to win over a majority in Parliament, President Sirisena exercised his powers under Article 70 (3) and prorogued Parliament until November 16, 2018. The Gazette No. 2094/45 (“Prorogatio­n Gazette”) of the President expressly reads and recognises that he is exercising his power to prorogue only under Article 70.

On November 4, 2018, Sirisena issued Gazette No. 2095/50 (“Summoning Gazette”). In the Summoning Gazette, he exercised his powers under Article 70 (3) (i) and summoned Parliament to meet on November 14, 2018.


The power of the Executive to summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament is derived from the historic powers of the Crown of the UK to do so. These powers of prorogatio­n and summoning still remain, without any express written limitation, with the Crown over its subjects in the UK, Canada, Australia and other dominions of Great Britain. Although such powers remain without any express written restrictio­ns, a long-settled Constituti­onal convention has required that the exercise of such powers over Parliament can only be done with the consent of Parliament. To do otherwise would result in the Executive usurping the Legislatur­e and thereby violating the basic tenets of democracy requiring the separation of powers.


The powers to summon, prorogue and dissolve remained with the Governor General of Ceylon until 1972 when Sri Lanka became a Republic. Such powers were then conferred on Sri Lanka’s first President, William Gopallawa. Under Article 21 of Sri Lanka’s first republican constituti­on of 1972 (“1972 Constituti­on”), the otherwise ceremonial President had the power to summon, prorogue and dissolve the National State Assembly (the former name of our Parliament) without any restrictio­n in Article 21. The only qualificat­ion to this unrestrict­ed power was Article 27 (1) of the 1972 Constituti­on which required the President to always act on the advice of the Prime Minister.


Following the introducti­on of the present Constituti­on in 1978 when the Executive Presidency was introduced, these same powers of prorogatio­n, summoning and dissolutio­n of Parliament held by the previously ceremonial President and the Governor General were transferre­d to the new President. The constituti­onal convention still required that the exercise of these powers was done with the consent of Parliament. This convention has been breached twice in Sri Lanka’s constituti­onal history. The first, when President Chandrika Kumaratung­a sacked the UNP government in 2004 and dissolved Parliament and the second time, in October 2018 , which brought us to the present crisis.

The difference between the two incidents is, however, that President Kumaratung­a had the legal authority to sack her Government under the Constituti­on at that time, even though it violated establishe­d a Constituti­onal convention. President Sirisena, on the other hand, gave up those express legal powers when the 19A to the Constituti­on was successful­ly passed in 2015.


The 19A to the Constituti­on was a historic piece of legislatio­n for Sri Lanka. Since 1994, all candidates elected to the office of the President, including Presidents Chandrika Kumaratung­e and Mahinda Rajapaksa, were elected on the promise of abolishing the Executive Presidency. All Presidents, once elected, failed to fulfill that promise.

President Sirisena, however, became the first President to have nearly fulfilled that promise. Through the 19A a significan­t amount of the powers of the Executive was rightfully transferre­d back to Parliament and the independen­t commission­s. For the last 3½ years, it appeared that the checks and balances vital for a democracy were restored and Sri Lanka’s slide into authoritar­ianism had ended.


Importantl­y, the 19A inserted Article 33A (identical to the previous Article 42 but this time under the section on the powers of the President), which made the President “responsibl­e to Parliament for the due exercise, performanc­e and discharge of his powers, duties and functions under the Constituti­on and any written law”. This provision re-emphasised that the President was always accountabl­e to Parliament when he exercised his powers, including his powers to summon, prorogue and dissolve.

Together with the other amendments, Parliament and the people had re-establishe­d their supremacy and independen­ce over a single person occupying the seat of the Executive.


On November 9, 2018, Sirisena dropped another Friday night bombshell by issuing Gazette No. 2096/70 and attempting to dissolve Parliament (“Dissolutio­n Gazette”).

In the Dissolutio­n Gazette, President Sirisena states that he is dissolving Parliament subject to his powers under Article 70 (5) (which concerns the process and the obligation­s of the President following dissolutio­n), Article 62 (2) (which confirms that the life of Parliament is five years, unless sooner dissolved) and the apparent trump card – Article 33 (2) (c) (which refers to the general power of the President to summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament).


The Dissolutio­n Gazette convenient­ly ignores Article 70 (1) which reads that the “President shall not dissolve Parliament until the expiration of a period of not less than four years and six months from the date appointed for its first meeting, unless Parliament requests the President to do so by a resolution passed by not less than two-thirds of the whole number of Members (including those not present), voting in its favour.” The Dissolutio­n Gazette also ignores Article 33A and his responsibi­lity to Parliament.

In both the Prorogatio­n Gazette and the Summoning Gazette, President Sirisena only recognises Article 70 as that which grants him the power to prorogue and summon Parliament. No reference is made in either the Prorogatio­n Gazette or the Summoning Gazette to the disputed Article 33 (2) (c).

By reading the last three Gazettes issued by the President, it is clear that he sees the Constituti­on as a buffet – where he can pick and choose the Articles he likes depending on his mood and which diet he is on. But, Constituti­ons don’t work like diets or buffets. You must always read the Constituti­on and any legislatio­n or even a contract – as a whole.


On Monday, November 12, 2018, 10 petitions were filed in the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka against the Dissolutio­n Gazette of the President.

The petitioner­s argued that the Dissolutio­n Gazette was unconstitu­tional and violated Article 70 (1) which prevented the President from arbitraril­y dissolving Parliament prior to 4 ½ years of its first meeting. The respondent­s and intervenin­g petitioner­s in support of the Dissolutio­n Gazette, which included the Attorney General, argued that Article 33 must be read in isolation of Article 70 (1) and that Article 33 (2) (c) (on the general power of dissolutio­n) has no relation to Article 70 (1) (on how that power can be exercised).


The rules of statutory interpreta­tion have been long settled by various common law judgments. Studying these rules form part of the basic legal education of any lawyer.

There are three rules of interpreta­tion that are relevant to the present challenge in the Supreme Court. They are the:

1. Rule on intention;

2. Rule on reading the whole text; and

3. Rule of generalia specialibu­s non-derogant. Intention of Parliament and 19A

For at least 600 years, common law courts have maintained that the primary object of statutory interpreta­tion is to:

a) determine what intention is conveyed either expressly or by implicatio­n by the language used in the law; and

b) to give effect to the intention of the lawmaker (in this case, Parliament) as that intention is to be gathered from the language used having regard to the context in connection with which it is used.

The rule on intention has often been described by various historic judgments as ‘the only rule’, ‘the paramount rule’, ‘the cardinal rule’ or ‘the fundamenta­l rule of interpreta­tion, to which all others are rules are subordinat­e’.

The intention of Parliament when passing the 19A was crystal clear from its inception. The purpose of the amendment was to restrict the powers of the President, prevent the Executive from capturing Parliament and to restore the independen­ce of Parliament. In fact, excerpts from the Hansard confirm that even intervenin­g petitioner­s in the current Supreme Court challenge, such as parliament­arian Prof. G.L. Peiris, affirmed that through the 19A, the President could no longer dissolve Parliament until at least 4 ½ years had passed or until twothirds of all Members of Parliament consent to dissolutio­n.

An interpreta­tion that Parliament did not intend to restrict the President’s powers but in fact, did the very opposite, by giving him an unrestrict­ed power to dissolve Parliament whenever he wished, would be a direct violation of this cardinal and most fundamenta­l rule of interpreta­tion.


The rule on reading the whole text requires that every part of a statute must be considered together with the other parts and kept subservien­t to the general intent of the whole enactment.

The rule requires that a law must not be read in truncated parts and that its provisions must be read in relation to the whole law.the rule further emphasises that a statute’s clauses and phrases must not be taken as detached and isolated expression­s, but the whole and every part of it must be considered in fixing the meaning of any of its parts in order to produce a harmonious whole.

Sir Edward Coke explained this rule as far back as 1628: “[I]t is the most natural and genuine exposition of a statute to construe one part of the statute by another part of the same statute, for the best expresseth the meaning of the makers.” Coke added: “If any section [of a law] be intricate, obscure, or doubtful, the proper mode of discoverin­g its true meaning is by comparing it with the other sections, and finding out the sense of one clause by the words or obvious intent of the other.”

This rule is also aligned with the rule against surplusage which directs that the proper interpreta­tion of a statute is the one in which every word, phrase, section, etc. has meaning. Under this rule, the law must be interprete­d in such a manner that no other parts of the law are made redundant or meaningles­s.

The primary argument of the respondent­s and the intervenin­g petitioner­s in the Supreme Court challenge is that Article 33 must be read in isolation of Article 70. Aside from violating the rule on reading the whole text, if the Supreme Court was to agree with such an interpreta­tion, it would also render Article 70 (1) redundant and meaningles­s. this would violate the rule against surplusage.


This 19th century rule requires that whenever there is a general provision in a law which, if taken in its most comprehens­ive sense, would override a particular, specific provision in the same law, the particular provision must be operative.

The purpose of this rule is to ensure that general provisions do not override specific ones.

The specific and the qualificat­ion will always trump the general. Article 33 of Sri Lanka’s Constituti­on sets out the general powers, duties and responsibi­lities of the President. These powers include, amongst others, the general power to summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament. However, it is Article 70 which sets out how that general power on summoning, proroguing and dissolving Parliament can be exercised. Article 70 is the particular, specific provision and Article 33 is the general provision. The applicatio­n of this rule means that Article 70 must override Article 33.

There is an inherent danger in the argument that Article 33 of the Constituti­on must be read on its own, in isolation of other provisions of the Constituti­on.

Article 33 (2) (c) may describe the President’s general power to summon, prorogue and dissolve Parliament. But, it is Article 33 (2) (f), if read in isolation, that may pose a greater threat to Sri Lanka’s democracy and to the Court itself.

Article 33 (2) (f) describes the President’s general power to appoint the Chief Justice and other judges of the Supreme Court, the President of the Court of Appeal and other judges of the Court of Appeal.

Article 33 (2) (f) does not refer to Article 107 (1) which guarantees the independen­ce of the judiciary and which require that the appointmen­t of the Chief Justice, the President of the Court of Appeal and every other judge of the Supreme Court and of the Court of Appeal be approved by the Constituti­onal Council.

If the argument that Article 33 (2) (c) must be read in isolation wins, then it won’t be long before Article 33 (2) (f) is also used in isolation – allowing the President to literally pick people from the street and appoint the Chief Justice and other justices of the Supreme Court and Courts of Appeal. With that one strike will end 217 years of the independen­ce of Sri Lanka’s judiciary and following that - Sri Lanka’s democracy – as there will be no one else left to speak.

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