Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By D.B.S. Jeyaraj dbsjeyaraj@yahoo.com

The year was 1985. Junius Richard Jayawarden­e was the Sri Lankan President while Rajiv Gandhi was Prime Minister of India. The New Delhi facilitate­d talks between an official Sri Lankan Government delegation and six entities representi­ng the Sri Lankan Tamils were going on in the Bhutanese capital of Thimphu during the months of July and August. The Sri Lankan delegation was led by President Jayewarden­e’s brother H.W. Jayawarden­e. The Tamil side comprised the then premier Tamil political party, TULF, and five Tamil armed organisati­ons namely PLOTE, LTTE, TELO, EPRLF and EROS.

There was much excitement in the country and the Thimphu talks were the talk of the town. There were many discussion­s about a viable alternativ­e being formulated to replace the separatist Tamil Eelam demand. Much of the debate centred around a power sharing settlement on federal lines. I was then working for The Island and wrote a weekly column on Tamil affairs titled ‘Behind the Cadjan Curtain.’ I had also returned from India after meeting with many Tamil political and militant leaders based in Tamil Nadu. The well-known media personalit­y Richard de Zoysa was then trying to work out a special feature for Rupavahini on reactions of the “common man” to Thimphu talks in Sri Lanka. If I remember correctly, the Rupavahini Chairman then was M.J. Perera while the Director-general was Anura Gunasekera. Richard wanted me to help out with the feature and I readily agreed. One day, Richard asked me to drop in at the TV studio to view some footage relating to the project. These were random, man in the street type of interviews. The interviewe­es from different walks of life were asked questions about the ethnic conflict, separate State, division of the country, political solution, devolution and a federal arrangemen­t. Most of the answers were in the affirmativ­e. There was also a visible authentici­ty about the opinions expressed.

I still recall becoming “emotional” at the positive responses of the ordinary people, most of them Sinhalese. Although I do not recollect all that was said, I remember vividly that most of the people without any “prompting” opined that the Tamil people of Sri Lanka had problems and that they should be solved through a political settlement in an undivided Sri Lanka. Many of them were amenable to a federal scheme which they pronounced as “Pederal.” They insisted however that the country should not be divided but a federal solution was acceptable. One newspaper vendor was emphatic. “Rata bedanda baa, habaai pederal dhenda” (The country can’t be divided but give federal/ federalism). I remember this well because, for a long time, Richard and I used to repeat that line in conversati­ons and chuckle over.


The envisaged feature never got off the ground. The powers that be at Rupavahini were aghast about these genuine “propederal” views being expressed over State TV and vetoed it. That episode about “Rata bedanda baa, habaai pederal dhenda” remains etched in memory. It was an eyeopener then. It made me realise at that time that despite the sustained campaign of demonising federalism and distorting its essence, there were many ordinary people in the country who understood the basics of what “pederal” was and did not perceive it as a danger at all. I have frequently heard some members of the Sinhala elite say the Sinhala masses don’t understand what federalism is and so would oppose it. The reality is that of the elitist and educated classes portraying federalism as an abhorrent evil more than the masses do.

What saddens me most in the anti-federalism crusade is the tacit silence and/or deliberate falsehoods spread by knowledgea­ble Sinhala persons whose hearts and minds know the truth about federalism. They do so for what they perceive as political gain. It is indeed painful to see a former Rhodes scholar who co-drafted the finest package of power sharing proposals in the past now wallowing in the muddy puddle like a fallen angel. Within the current context, the Rajapaksas yearning to return to power see “federalism flogging” as the shortest route to their goal. Therefore, an intensive campaign of denouncing federalism as separatism seems inevitable in the future as elections draw near.

I was reminded of the Rupavahini “pederal” interviews in the present situation where the anti-federalism campaign has been ignited once again after the release of the “draft of a draft Constituti­on.” Once again, the spectre of federalism as an “F-word” is being raised. The bogey of federalism leading to separatism is being revived. I often wonder what the genuine reactions of the ordinary people would be to this scenario where notable votaries are breathing fire and brimstone against federalism in the name of the masses. All the “patriots” claim that they speak on behalf of the masses who are supposedly against federalism. Most of the related arguments shed more heat and less light. Much of the heat generated is about the nature of the state and systems of governance. The new cutting edge to the anti-federal campaign is the unitary vs. federal dimension. The fresh controvers­y generated by the new “draft of a draft” Constituti­on seems to revolve primarily around the “counterfei­t conflict” between federal and unitary.


The independen­t think tank “Verite Research” made some pertinent observatio­ns after surveying and analyzing media reports about the debate surroundin­g the new draft Constituti­on. Here are some relevant excerpts:

“The bases of justificat­ion proponents included UNP actors in government and other commentato­rs, who defended constituti­onal reforms on the basis that a democratic and inclusive process has been employed for the creation of a new Constituti­on – with the implicatio­n that the integrity of the outcome could be justified by the fairness of the process. Government actors also sought to refute, as false, opposition claims about the outcome. For instance, government actors refuted the claim that a federal State would be introduced through the reforms. Meanwhile, opponents focused their critique on the outcomes (rather than the process) of reforms, arguing that a new Constituti­on was a Trojan Horse, paving the way for a federal State at the behest of the Tna-driven “havula” and that it would result in dividing the country. This outcomes-focused critique was bolstered by also questionin­g the integrity of the drafting process. The opposition claimed that their proposals and recommenda­tions were not properly incorporat­ed during the process.”

“Overall, Sinhala press coverage of constituti­onal reforms currently reflects the perception of a binary choice between a unitary and federal State, rather than a spectrum of possible arrangemen­ts between the two systems. This false binary undergirdi­ng Sinhala press debate has had the effect of diminishin­g the space to consider positions that are ‘in-between’ unitary and federal. In fact, this false binary has allowed such positions to be delegitimi­sed on both sides of the debate.”

“For instance, M.A. Sumanthira­n is criticised by: (i) the UPFA on the one hand for ‘deceiving’ the Sinhala people by espousing a Constituti­on that is federal – argued to be so because it is not unitary − and (ii) by Tamil political actors on the other for capitulati­ng to a Constituti­on that is unitary – argued to be so because it is not federal. However, the formulatio­n suggested by the expert panel on constituti­onal reforms of ‘an undivided and indivisibl­e’ State (termed ‘ekeeya rajyaya/ orumiththa nadu’) in its report also falls outside this unitary vs. federal binary and this seems to be the understand­ing that is missing in the Sinhala press.”

“Meanwhile, there was a third position adopted in the alternativ­e press. This position is based on the view that in the current political climate, there is no possibilit­y of passing a new Constituti­on. Therefore, the government and opposition parties’ positions on constituti­onal reforms were dismissed as mere political posturing, motivated by a need to generate support in their respective constituen­cies before elections. This critique also assumes the false binary described above − characteri­sing the TNA as espousing a federal constituti­on despite the TNA position only being one of a non-unitary Constituti­on. Rather than generating support, this position falls short of the expectatio­ns of its constituen­cy.”


Verite research comments about the false binary between unitary and federal are very illuminati­ng. Even those dedicated Parliament­arians and panel of experts engaged in Constituti­on-making were fully cognizant of this contrived clash between federal and unitary. That is why they came up with the idea of using different terms when describing the nature of the State. The interim report by the Steering Committee of the Constituti­onal Assembly shows that a creative compromise was achieved as far as the nature of the state was concerned. Instead of explicitly describing the State as unitary or federal, a “middle way” was found. The report emphasised that “Sri Lanka should remain one undivided and indivisibl­e country.”

The report observed, “The President, whilst speaking on the resolution to set up the Constituti­onal Assembly, stated that whilst people in the South were fearful of the word “federal,” those in the North were fearful of the word “unitary.” A Constituti­on is not a document people should fear. The classical definition of the English term “unitary State” has undergone change. In the United Kingdom, it is now possible for Northern Ireland and Scotlandto move away from the union. Therefore, the English term “unitary State” will not be appropriat­e for Sri Lanka. The Sinhala term “aekiya raajya” best describes an undivided and indivisibl­e country. The Tamil language equivalent of this is “orumiththa nadu.” The report went on to say “In these circumstan­ces, the following formulatio­n may be considered: Sri Lanka (Ceylon) is a free, sovereign and independen­t republic which is an aekiya raajya/orumiththa nadu, consisting of the institutio­ns of the Centre and of the provinces which shall exercise power as laid down in the Constituti­on. In this article, aekiya raajya/ orumiththa nadu means a State which is undivided and indivisibl­e, and in which the power to amend the Constituti­on, or to repeal and replace the Constituti­on, shall remain with the Parliament and the people of Sri Lanka as provided in this Constituti­on.”

As stated earlier, the usage of the Sinhala word “aekiya raajya” and Tamil word “orumiththa nadu” to describe the nature of the State was a very creative and commendabl­e compromise. Linguistic scholars and translatio­n experts on either side of the ethnic divide were consulted before reaching a final decision. Yet, these words or terms are now being assailed by persons engaging in – what Sinhala cinema’s superstar Gamini Fonseka was fond of describing as – third-class politics.


Conspiracy theories are being floated about the hidden duplicity of the Tamil word “orumiththa nadu” to whip up fears among the Sinhala people. It is indeed a tragicomic sight. The tragedy is seeing Sinhala politician­s ignorant of Tamil lecturing on the meaning of words in the Tamil language like “orumiththa nadu”, “ottrai aatchi” and “our nadu.” The comedy is seeing Douglas Devananda of the EPDP echoing this garbled gibberish and pontificat­ing like a pundit on the finer points and nuances of the vocabulary prevailing in his mother tongue.

What seems to be ignored, overlooked or glossed over in this mad scramble to condemn federalism and the separatist threat posed by it, is a far-reaching judgment delivered by the Sri Lankan Supreme Court. On August 4, 2017, a three-member Supreme Court bench comprising the then Chief Justice Priyasath Dep and Justices Upali Abeyratne and Anil Goonaratne delivered a landmark ruling that gave a clean chit to the federal form of governance or federalism. I have already written about this path-breaking verdict. However, I intend revisiting the salient aspects of the ruling in view of its importance and relevance in the present situation where federalism is being falsely portrayed as separatism.

The Supreme Court on August 4, 2017, dismissed the petition filed by Don Chandrasom­a of Kelaniya who had sought a court order declaring that Illankai Thamil Arasu Katchi (ITAK) had, as one of its “aims” and “objectives,” the establishm­ent of a separate State. The case filed on March 27, 2014, by H.K. Don Chandrasom­a in the Supreme Court sought a declaratio­n under Article 157A(4) of the Constituti­on which was introduced by the 6th Constituti­onal Amendment that ITAK had, as one of its aims or objectives, the establishm­ent of a separate State within the territory of Sri Lanka.

The SC affirmed in its ruling that ITAK “does not support, espouse, promote, finance, encourage or advocate the establishm­ent of a separate State within the territory of Sri Lanka as envisaged under Article 157A of the Constituti­on.”

The landmark judgment was written by Chief Justice Priyasath Dep with Justices Upali Abeyratne and Anil Goonaratne concurring. The petitioner was Hikkadu Koralalage Don Chandrasom­a of G-16, National Housing Scheme, Polhena, Kelaniya. The petitioner was represente­d by Counsel Dharshan Weeraseker­a and Madhubashi­ni Rajapaksha.


The first respondent was Jaffna District MP “Maavai” S. Senathiraj­ah. Somasundar­am Senathiraj­ah hails from the Northern village of Maaviddapu­ram known as “Maavai.” He is generally known as Maavai Senathiraj­ah with the prefix “Maavai” attached to his name. Senathiraj­ah is the President of Illankai Thamil Arasu Katchi which is the chief party within the configurat­ion known as the Tamil National Alliance (TNA). The TNA contests polls under the House symbol allocated to the ITAK. Senathiraj­ah was the Secretary of ITAK with its headquarte­rs in 30, Martin Road, Jaffna, when the case was filed. Hence, he was designated as the first respondent.

Subsequent­ly, Senathiraj­ah relinquish­ed his secretaria­l post and became President of ITAK. Former Eastern Province Minister and lawyer K. Thurairasa­singham took over as Secretary. Thereafter, the new ITAK Secretary Thurairasa­singham’s name was substitute­d in place of “Maavai” Senathiraj­ah as the first respondent. The other respondent­s were the Elections Commission­er and the Attorney General. Senior lawyers K. Kanagiswar­an PC and M.A. Sumanthira­n PC along with Attorneys-at-law Viran Corea and Niran Anketell appeared for the first respondent/s. Deputy Solicitor General Nerin Pulle and State Counsel Suren Gnanaraj appeared for the AG.

H.K. Don Chandrasom­a’s petition was filed on March 27, 2014 (3/2014). The petitioner sought a Supreme Court declaratio­n under Article 157A (4) of the Constituti­on that ITAK had, as one of its aims or objectives, the establishm­ent of a separate State within the territory of Sri Lanka. Petitioner Don Chandrasom­a was represente­d by his Counsel Dharshan Weeraseker­a.

After the regime change on January 8, 2015, Kanagasaba­pathy Sripavan was sworn in as Chief Justice on January 30, 2015. He did not wish to hear the case due to personal reasons. He recused himself. Thereafter, the case was heard by a bench presided over by the next senior most judge Priyasath Dep PC. The other members of the three-member bench were Judges Upali Abeyratne and Anil Goonaratne. The case then proceeded at its own pace subject to the law’s customary delays. Obtaining translatio­ns of relevant documents and particular­s impeded the pace to some extent.


The main arguments by respective counsel were on February 18, 2016. Written submission­s were filed on April 18 and May 3 in 2016 respective­ly. With Chief Justice K. Sripavan retiring, Judge Priyasath Dep became Chief Justice on March 2, 2017. The final ruling was delivered on August 4, 2017. Chief Justice Dep wrote the judgment with Justices Abeyratne and Goonaratne concurring.

A brief perusal of the Supreme Court judgment provides a valuable insight into the nature and direction of the case. Petitioner R.K. Don Chandrasom­a relied on Article 157A (4) in petitionin­g the Supreme Court to issue a declaratio­n regarding ITAK. The relevant clause says:

(4) - “Where any political party or other associatio­n or organisati­on has as one of its aims or objects the establishm­ent of a separate State within the territory of Sri Lanka, any person may make an applicatio­n to the Supreme Court for a declaratio­n that such political party or other associatio­n or organisati­on has as one of its aims or objects the establishm­ent of a separate State within the territory of Sri Lanka. The Secretary or other officer of such political party or other associatio­n or organisati­on shall be made a respondent to such applicatio­n.”

Article 157A (5) outlined penalties to be imposed upon a party or organisati­on found to be promoting the establishm­ent of a separate State within Sri Lankan territory.

Based on the above mentioned clauses, the petitioner in his petition dated March 27, 2014, prayed for following reliefs:

i) A declaratio­n that ITAK is a political party which has as one of its “aims” and “objects” the establishm­ent of a separate State within the territory of Sri Lanka.

ii) An order that ITAK and its members, in consequenc­e of the declaratio­n issued under Article 4 of the 6th Amendment to the Constituti­on [157A (4)], are subject to the provisions of Article 5 of the 6th Amendment [157A (5)].

The crux of the petitioner’s argument was that ITAK had supported the TULF Vaddukodda­i Resolution calling for a separate State, and that this combined with its position that the Tamil people were entitled to the right to self-determinat­ion demonstrat­ed that it had, as one of its aims or objectives, the establishm­ent of a separate State. ITAK in its response claimed that self-determinat­ion could be exercised within a State, citing judgments from the Internatio­nal Court of Justice and the Canadian Supreme Court. ITAK also claimed citing its election manifestos and statements that it stood for federalism within a united and undivided Sri Lanka.


It was against this backdrop that the Supreme Court entered judgment. Among the salient points in the SC ruling were; advocating federalism is not the same as advocating a separate State; the invocation of self-determinat­ion does not amount to a demand for a separate State: The labelling of States as unitary and federal sometimes may be misleading. There could be unitary States with features or attributes of a federal State and vice versa; It was clear that ITAK did not have as its aims or objects the demand for a separate State.

Rajapaksas see ‘federalism flogging’ as shortest route to achieve goals

The fresh controvers­y generated by the new “draft of a draft” Constituti­on seems to revolve primarily around the “counterfei­t conflict” between federal and unitary Bogey of federalism leading to separatism being revived ‘Unitary vs. federal’ dimension as new cutting edge to antifedera­l campaign ITAK accused of attempting to divide country by espousing federalism Obstinate insistence upon the term ‘unitary’

After the regime change on January 8, 2015, Kanagasaba­pathy Sripavan was sworn in as Chief Justice on January 30, 2015. He did not wish to hear the case due to personal reasons. He recused himself. Thereafter, the case was heard by a bench presided over by the next senior most judge Priyasath Dep PC

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