Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)



Indigenous tribal leader Wanaspathi Uruwarigel­age Wannila Attho expressed concerns about the presidenti­al candidates not addressing issues faced by his people. “I heard the promises of presidenti­al candidates at rallies held in towns. However, they have not put forward a plan to protect the Vedda community that possesses a long history of more than 35,000 years.

He told the media at Kotabakini­ya in Dambana that the presidenti­al election was gathering momentum and despite 35 candidates contesting none of them had not put forward a plan to protect the Vedda community and their culture.

“Politician­s and the officials used my people just as elephants in Peraheras,” he said.

“Elephants would be gaily decorated with valuable costumes and marched in the Perahera, but they would be forgotten after the festival and left to the humdrum existence. They only visit the area and grandly hold indigenous people’s day to gain internatio­nal repute.

“We are compelled to participat­e in that ceremony. It is said that we would not receive any benefit until the next year,” he said.

“I have made continual representa­tions to the successive government­s since 1983 on several major issues affecting my clan. I even made representa­tions to the Geneva Human Rights Council regarding discrimina­tions facing us but to no avail. Politician­s often talk about the rights of Tamil, and Muslim communitie­s but not those of the Vedda community,” he said

The Vedda Chief said it was a matter of serious concern that there was no mention in the election manifestoe­s of any Presidenti­al Candidate about this historic community.

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