Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)


- By A. S. Fernando

Marriage is a landmark event in the life of a normal person and the 7th Bhava (House) rules a person’ s marriage, wife or husband and marital happiness, among other things.


The 7th Bhava assumes great significan­ce in a Natal Chart of an individual because it provides the clue as to whether his or her married life would be failure or a success.

The 7th Bhava is not the sole criterion that determines where one’s married life would be a success or a failure. However, it is the main factor that foresees the main characteri­stics one’s life-partner and the trajectory of one’s married life.


What are the predictive factors that determine whether one’s marriage is going to be a success or a failure?

In the first place, there should be a strong bond of mutual love between the couple. However, even a strong bond of mutual love could wear thin – even to the zero point in the absence of certain other factors that are necessary to nourish and augment that bond. For examples, both partners should enjoy normal good health because there should be a sexual relationsh­ip leading to mutual contentmen­t. Besides, if one partner becomes a victim to a fatal disease, it would mean the end of the marriage. The sanctity of marriage in our society assumes much significan­ce, because a second marriage is usually frowned upon.


Fidelity is an important factor for the success of marriage because an unfaithful wife or a husband could lead to the terminatio­n of the nuptial vow.


◊ If one partner is oversexed – extremely passionate or abnormal in sexual conduct, it could ruin a marriage.

◊ Physical love is an important factor contributi­ng to strengthen­ing of the marital bond. Impotence or the incapabili­ty for physical expression of love could be a serious impediment to marital happiness.

◊ Now let us consider 7th House-related combinatio­ns that lead to the denial of marital happiness and the failure of marriage.

◊ If the 7th lord is placed in the 6th, 8th, or the 12th House with no factor giving it strength, the wife would be too sickly for the couple to derive any pleasure from physical intimacy ◊ If Venus is placed in the 7th House, the subject would become extremely libidinous – a factor which could lead him or her to extra-marital relationsh­ips

◊ If the 7th lord is devoid of strength and is placed in the 6th, 8th or the 12th House or if the 7th lord is debilitate­d, the native’s wife would die early.

◊ If a person’s 6th, 7th and 8th House are occupied by Mars, Rahu and Saturn respective­ly, wife would die early. ◊ If the weak Moon joins a malefic in the

7th House, the subject would be immoral ◊ Mars conjunct with Mercury and Venus in the 7th House without beneficial aspects would render the native extremely passionate and make him resort to unnatural means for gratificat­ion.

◊ If the 5th lord is in the 7th House and the 7th lord is conjunct with malefics and Venus is weak, wife would die during pregnancy. ◊ If the 7th lord is in the 6th House aspected by Rahu, the first marriage would come to an end due to some cause

◊ Saturn -Mercury combinatio­n in the 7th House or the aspect of Mercury on the 7th House would render the subject impotent. ◊ If the Lagna Lord and the 7th lord are placed in the 6-8 positions in the Natal Chart, there would be endless difference­s and quarrels between the wife and the husband.

The 7th Bhava is not the sole criterion that determines where one’s married life would be a success or a failure. However, it is the main factor that foresees the main characteri­stics one’s life-partner and the trajectory of one’s married life

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