Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Homeless coronaviru­s positive addicts, provided alcohol, tobacco and marijuana


US, (DAILY MAIL), 7 MAY 2020 - San Francisco is using private donations to deliver alcohol, tobacco and medical marijuana to homeless addicts staying in city-leased hotels during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

As of Wednesday there are about 270 people, mostly homeless, staying in hotel rooms to recover from COVID-19 or to wait out possible exposure to the virus.

So far, 11 people have received alcohol, 27 have received tobacco and five have received medical marijuana, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

City officials said that private donations pay for the items, and that helping manage nicotine, opioid and alcohol cravings ensures that recovering people don’t go out and possibly infect others.

Dr Grant Colfax, San Francisco’s public health director, said the harm-reduction approach is widespread and based on decades of sound public health policy.

‘Our focus needs to be on supporting them,’ he said of the people who are isolating or under quarantine.

For people experienci­ng alcohol withdrawal, the Department of Public Health calculates the minimum amount needed and delivers them with meals. The department also facilitate­s delivery of methadone medication for people trying to kick heroin. It does not help procure recreation­al marijuana.

Reports of the program first emerged last week when Thomas Wolf, a case manager who works with addicts in San Francisco, mentioned it in a tweet to the city.

‘I just found out that homeless placed in hotels in SF are being delivered Alcohol, Weed and Methadone because they identified as an addict/alcoholic for FREE,’ he wrote.

‘You’re supposed to be offering treatment. This is enabling and is wrong on many levels. @ SF_DPH @sfbos @Londonbree­d.’ The San Francisco Department of Public Health confirmed the report on Twitter Wednesday.

‘These harm reduction based practices, which are not unique to San Francisco, and are not paid for with taxpayer money, help guests successful­ly complete isolation and quarantine and have significan­t individual and public health benefits in the COVID-19 pandemic,’ it wrote. DOPH spokeswoma­n Jenna Lane further defended the policy in an interview with the Chronicle.

‘They’re doing San Francisco a great service by staying inside,’ Lane said of the people staying in city-leased hotel rooms.

‘We’re saying: “We’re doing what we can to support you staying inside and not have to go out and get these things.”

‘The health department is also making clinicians and social workers available to anyone who wishes to begin addiction treatment while under DPH’S supervisio­n in the hotels.’ But Wolf, who was a homeless addict years ago before getting clean and becoming a counselor, says the program could do more harm than good.

 ??  ?? San Francisco is using private donations to deliver alcohol, tobacco and medical marijuana for a few dozen people dealing with addiction as they isolate or quarantine in city-leased hotel rooms during the pandemic, officials confirmed Wednesday (DM)
San Francisco is using private donations to deliver alcohol, tobacco and medical marijuana for a few dozen people dealing with addiction as they isolate or quarantine in city-leased hotel rooms during the pandemic, officials confirmed Wednesday (DM)

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