Daily Mirror (Sri Lanka)

Madrasa, Burka-phobia!


According to Public Security Minister Sarath Weeraseker­a, Madrasas that teach only Arabic and religion are to be banned as they are against the National Education Policy. I think he is not aware that Muslim children as young as four years attend these Madrasas to learn the Arabic alphabets, words and then gradually go on to learn to recite the Quran. The very basics, or the ABCS of Islam, Declaratio­n of faith, Principles of Islam, Articles of faith, supplicati­ons etc., are imparted to them in these Madrasas (for these young children these Madrasas at this juncture function as sort of “Islamic Montessori). These classes are conducted after school hours when the children return home from school and therefore, there is no conflict at all with the National Education Policy.

We Muslims have a holistic approach to education giving equal importance to both religious and secular education. A few do give preference to religion over the secular education which is no doubt an exception

Is he aware that some of these students learn to memorize the Quran from a young age at these Madrasas? Once they have completed the memorizing of the Quran, they are referred to as Haafils (those who can recite the Quran from memory). I should also clarify at this point for the informatio­n of the Minister and others that a Haafil is not a Moulavi who is only an Islamic Scholar. Mr. Weeraseker­a should understand that it is easy to memorize anything for that matter at a younger age when the mind is free and so it is somewhat easy for those who are keen to commit to memory the entire Quran.

We Muslims have a holistic approach to education giving equal importance to both religious and secular education. A few do give preference to religion over the secular education which is no doubt an exception. Hope this Minister who boasts of the President giving him a tough job is going all out to ban the religious and cultural practices of the Muslims will reconsider his decision to ban the Madrasas. Mr. Minister, it seems to me that you are suffering from Madrasa-cum-burka-phobia!

Just because of a few Muslim black sheep caused the Easter Sunday mayhem, do not ban all the Madrasas, but the government can, of course, issue guidelines (if any) and at the same time monitor them. MOHAMED ZAHRAN Colombo

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