Living (Sri Lanka)


Pork sensation


Gloria Spittel spices up a tasty dish

People around the world have been confined to their homes in recent months as national healthcare providers battle the novel coronaviru­s, which is changing life as we know it. While remaining in the safe confines of our homes for extended periods of time is a new and trying experience for many, some say it isn’t abnormal.

In times of unpreceden­ted stress, taking care of oneself through healthy habits is not only necessary but essential for building resilience to get through uncertain times. But this calls for an effort and involves a meaningful schedule. So take time to recharge yourself by creating and preparing a new dish to try. Infuse an interestin­g moment into what could otherwise be a dreary day.

A prime example is comfort food. This is truly subjective and the recipe for sweet and sour pork may not be your pick for comfort. But served on a bed of hot white rice along with the simplicity of preparatio­n and versatilit­y of vegetables used, it may offer a refreshing change.

You can substitute the pork with beef, chicken, fish, seafood or even soya meat – whatever flavour that appeals to you and your family.

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