Living (Sri Lanka)

Winds of change

- – Living

Can you feel a shift in the breeze from a sense of heaviness in the air to a cooler weightless wisp? The trees too are changing in countries experienci­ng autumn and fall colours – with more oranges and reds replacing the lush greens of the previous season. Here in Sri Lanka, we are adjusting to our ‘new normal’ and getting used to hanging out with friends at home. Nights at the bar are more of a luxury than a weekend ritual.

We’ve gone back to the days where you can sit on your porch, sip a cup of tea and watch the children play.

And we’ve gone back to the days where a wedding reception took place at home with only one’s nearest and dearest in attendance rather than the extravagan­t shows we’re so used to.

We’ve also gone back to the days that our grandparen­ts took pride in boasting about – back to the ‘simpler times.’

Working from home (a.k.a. WFH) has also given us more time to work on ourselves and even though schools were closed, classrooms – both virtual and at home – opened up. Parents (and sometimes, grandparen­ts) took on the role of teacher.

In these anxious times, for every fear mongering headline, there are social media posts that spread hope and cheer, and share the kind acts of fellow travellers the world over. Even though barricades aren’t disappeari­ng as fast as we would like them to and many travel restrictio­ns are still in place, remember that there’s a whole new world waiting to be discovered. When global borders eventually open up once more, you will no doubt plan your leave and take time off work to explore the world.

Much like education and work are conducted through a virtual port these days, the Burning Man festival is now online and will continue until the first week of September – having been ‘on fire’ since 30 August.

So those who caught the cartoon version in The Simpsons episode titled Blazed and Confused can now check out the real one online.

Apart from that, many events and festivals haven’t announced new dates as yet. But don’t fret… because if anything does change, we’ll keep you updated on social media.

Until then, make the most of these changing winds, enjoy your new normal and prepare for October – yes, nine down and three to go. What a year it’s been!

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