Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Traditiona­l water management isn’t enough

Sustainabl­e water resources management – key to tackling climate change and driving sustainabl­e human developmen­t in South Asia and Sri Lanka

- By Prof. Mohan Munasinghe

The COP21 Paris meeting of the UNFCCC highlighte­d water as a major resource through which some of the worst climate change impacts would be felt worldwide. In recognitio­n of this fact, a key output of COP21 was the Paris Pact on Water and Adaptation. Water also figures prominentl­y in the UN 2030 Agenda universall­y accepted by all nations, and is recognised through the key sustainabl­e developmen­t goal (SDG) No. 6, which is also linked to many other critical SDGs like poverty, food security and climate change.

In this context, South Asia is considered one of the most vulnerable regions, and internatio­nal bodies like the World Bank and the Internatio­nal Water Management Institute (IWMI) have begun to focus on the regional risks and identify policy options and institutio­nal responses. In Colombo next month, IWMI will host a regional event on climate change risks and water resources management in South Asia.

The risk posed by climate change hangs over the region like a dark shadow. As South Asian countries aim for middle-income prosperity and higher human developmen­t in the next 15 years, climate change will bring on increased risks of pests, diseases, water shortages and food insecurity. Impacts of extreme weather and coastal flooding/erosion will post a particular threat to low-lying regions, severely impacting countries like Maldives and Sri Lanka.

These risk factors were known for many years and predicted in the fourth and fifth assessment reports of the United Nations’ Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). However, actually observed losses and damage, as well as anecdotal evidence suggest that ‘real’ climate change is happening at a rate and scale much greater than anticipate­d through the models. While it is hard to establish a clear statistica­l trend, extreme shifts of rainfall and variabilit­y of monsoon patterns are becoming the new norm across South Asia.

There is wide scientific consensus that impacts of climate change are already becoming evident. From the high Himalayan slopes of Nepal to the outer islands of Maldives, climate change has impacted on water availabili­ty, quantity and quality. This not only poses a threat to future consumptio­n and human developmen­t, but also can reverse hard-won developmen­t progress already achieved, even fueling serious conflicts arising from water sharing and management across countries or states. Climate related disasters could cause large scale displaceme­nt of communitie­s and lay fallow vast areas of cultivable land, creating the dire threat of food security. Climate risks and no-regrets options for Sri Lanka

Just in the first half of 2016, Sri Lanka experience­d both abnormally high temperatur­es and record levels of rainfall. This follows a disturbing trend of anomaly over the past decade or so, applying to observable changes in both monsoon behaviour and extreme events. Floods have ravaged the capital city, Colombo, at least five times in the last ten years. The last flooding episode, in May 2016, was the worst on record in terms of damages and losses, as many homes, small businesses and public infrastruc­ture (including the new exits to the Outer Circular Expressway) were underwater for many days.

Damages to urban infrastruc­ture apart, floods and drought have decimated the agricultur­al heartland of the country. Farmers are the first to face impacts of climate variabilit­y and increasing unpredicta­bility of the monsoons. Across the country, farmers (especially the poor ones) face uncertain livelihood. In districts where farming is the mainstay of the community, impacts are seen through reduced incomes, malnutriti­on, internal rural to urban migration, and the migration of women to low-skilled jobs in the Middle East.

Sri Lanka has evolved traditiona­l methods of adaptation to climate variabilit­y and seasonal dry periods. Small scale water storage ponds and tanks dot the landscape of the dry and intermedia­te zones. The density of these ‘ponds’ is highest in areas where perennial water sources are scarce, and intermitte­nt rains are common. However, the effectiven­ess of these systems are declining, since the magnitude of changes in the monsoon patterns are exceeding traditiona­l norms of weather variabilit­y.

According to Dr. Jeremy Bird, head of the Internatio­nal Water Management Institute: “The Sri Lankan weather has always experience­d variabilit­y and traditiona­l water management systems have adapted to accommodat­e late and intermitte­nt rains. This variabilit­y is however increasing and climate change projection­s predict that it will become a bigger part of the water management challenges for coming generation­s. Analysing historic records no longer provides the same degree of predictabi­lity for the future. Rainfall in the monsoon is reducing and the number of days without rain is increasing. ”

IWMI predicts that by end of the century, the Maha or wet season crop will require 20% more water due to warming of over one degree celsius. The main climate change impacts will be felt in the north-eastern, eastern and southern dry zones and the wet, hilly areas of the country. A study of dry zone rice output by the Munasinghe Institute for Developmen­t (MIND) indicated that the yields of this staple crop could fall 10-15% due to projected climate change impacts on rainfall and temperatur­e, within the next 30 years. Such developmen­ts will not only worsen vulnerabil­ities like food insecurity and dependence on grain imports, but also exacerbate inequaliti­es and encourage migration of vulnerable small farmers out of the dry zone. The study identified key sustainabl­e water resources management (SWARM) practices, agricultur­al innovation and other policy interventi­ons, to address these challenges. Major opportunit­y for Sri Lanka

Climate change adaptation has a higher priority than mitigation in Sri Lanka. Compared with the west or even South Asian neighbours such as India and Pakistan, Sri Lanka does not contribute significan­tly to climate change through carbon emissions. On the other hand, it has a major opportunit­y to adapt and reduce vulnerabil­ity through sustainabl­e water resources management. This is clearly reflected in the country’s Intended Contributi­ons (INDCs) presented before COP 21 in Paris. The focus is on water management by strengthen­ing existing systems and infusing elements of equity and good governance in to the management of this increasing­ly scarce resource, rather than through building large dams or expensive diversions. Decentrali­zing water management to the provincial, district and if possible local level is even more advantageo­us for communitie­s in the frontline of climate change. This would enable communitie­s to ‘own’ their local natural resources and manage them collaborat­ively as was done many years ago – by resuscitat­ing traditiona­l water management methods in rural Sri Lanka, like the ancient “Vel Vidana” system, which has even been transplant­ed successful­ly to other countries including Japan.

The fundamenta­l principle of no-regrets adaptation is that investment­s should be directed towards options that have substantia­l shorter term sustainabl­e developmen­t benefits, in addition to long term climate change benefits. Policies and projects should aim for positive impacts on human developmen­t (health, nutrition, income and living standards), as well as on the bio-physical environmen­t (forestry, water availabili­ty for nature, species, soil, etc.). The SDG, adapted to national priorities, would provide a comprehens­ive framework that will link the water sector with other areas within the macroecono­my, and also help to articulate activities from the central government to the local levels, respecting the principle of subsidiari­ty. Within the water sector, investing in rainwater harvesting, micro-irrigation, small-scale water storage, groundwate­r banks, modifying allocation practices and improving the transparen­cy of allocative decision-making, and encouragin­g more renewable energy use in the water sector, are all winwin solutions.

There is no longer a debate about whether climate change is real or not. It is happening, and the sooner we learn to manage its impacts sustainabl­y, especially in a crucial sector like water resources, the better the outcome for a small but highly vulnerable, middle income country like Sri Lanka. (The writer is the Chairman of the Munasinghe Institute for Developmen­t (MIND) and Vice Chair of the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-AR4), who shared the 2007 Nobel Prize for Peace and Distinguis­hed Guest Professor, Peking University, China.)

 ??  ?? Houses affected by the floods.
Houses affected by the floods.

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