Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Bringing your Passion to Work – What does it take?

Sanduni Kaushalya from Wadduwa found Scholarshi­ps for USA Ltd. through word of mouth and thus became SUSA’s first student from Lakeland Internatio­nal Ratmalana. Having considered numerous offers SUSA was able to attract from its partners across US, Sandun


is very friendly and assisted me throughout my stay in the states. The staff has also shown me the importance of planning ahead. Therefore, I decided to do the OPT program as my next step. The OPT program is a work visa allowing the college graduates to work for a one whole year. I am grateful for my host family, who is currently working on finding me a profession at the John Deere Company. After completing my OPT, I then plan to transfer to the University of Northern Iowa (UNI) to complete my bachelors. UNI provides a range of scholarshi­ps, especially to the students transferri­ng from IHCC, due to the high quality education of IHCC. The memories I’ve made with those amazing staff, my American family, and friends from all over the world are truly a blessing!

Just like the Indian Hills staff reminds us every day, IHCC is a home away from home. The accomplish­ments I achieved, the wonderful memories I made, the new experience­s I had changed my life in the best way possible. IHCC opened my mind. My message to each and every one out there, who dreams big, is to open your mind to the world. There are opportunit­ies waiting for you. Take that step and work hard to write your success story just like I did!

According to the Business Dictionary, Employee engagement is the ‘Emotional connection an employee feels toward his or her employment organizati­on, which tends to influence his or her behaviours and level of effort in work related activities. The more engagement an employee has with his or her company, the more effort they put forth’.

Engagement is about how passionate a person feels about his/her job, committed to the Organizati­on/ Company he/ she works for. There are many factors that play in employee engagement, if he/she feels ‘emotionall­y’ stimulated by the role, how trustworth­y he/she is perceived by the management, feeling of how one’s work contribute­s to the overall company performanc­e, opportunit­ies offered for growth within the company etc. An engaged employee always considers being part of the company with a degree of pride.

According to 2011- 2012 Gallup survey study, in South Asia only 10% of employees are ‘engaged’, 61% ‘not engaged’ and 21% ‘ actively disengaged’. In Sri Lanka only 14%(±5) of employees are ‘engaged’, 62%(±6) are ‘not engaged’ and 23%(±4) are ‘actively disengaged’ (source: http://www. gallup. com/ poll/ 165269/ worldwidee­mployees-engaged-work.aspx). Actively disengaged people are not just unhappy about their work, but also busy acting out their unhappines­s, and ‘undermine’ and discourage the work of the engaged employees. How engaged are members in your team? Your company? Your Organizati­on? Are you a victim of such a chronic situation?

Reality is, as an employee, you are allowing someone else to choose ‘you’ for a role of a job in an interview, allowing ‘your’ manager to make the decision of the team’s strategic objectives, allowing responsibi­lity of ‘your’ work to lie with your manager and simply you are disconnect­ed because choice is someone else’s, decision is someone else’s. To turn this around, the power also lies within you.

One of the greatest benefits of coaching is to increase ‘engagement’. Coaching if used by a manager as a skill or used as Executive Coaching for ‘Executives and Senior management’, reaps positive benefits for the Organizati­ons involved.

A landmark study commission­ed by Right Management Consultant­s found that a return- on- investment of dollars

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it’. spent on executive coaching is nearly 600%. Executives engaged in coaching reported increases in productivi­ty, improvemen­t in relationsh­ips with direct reports and colleagues, and greater job satisfacti­on. According to a study by the Manchester Consulting Group, organizati­onal benefits from executive coaching include: Improved Relationsh­ips 77%; Improved Teamwork 67%; Improved Job Satisfacti­on 61%; Improved Productivi­ty 53%. An Internatio­nal Personnel Management Associatio­n survey found that productivi­ty increased by 88% when coaching was combined with training (compared to a 22 percent increase with training alone) ( Source: http:// transverse­

At the Internatio­nal Academy of Mentoring and Coaching (IAMCasia) we offer certificat­e and diploma courses for sharing the skills of coaching and mentoring with profession­als. We undertake Executive coaching, Personal coaching and Career coaching catering to your profession­al and personal needs.

Contact us to discuss your needs, E- mail charuni@ IAMCasia. com; harshana@ IAMCasia. com or call Hotline - 0773 322 733 Dr Charuni Senanayake Director Internatio­nal Academy of Mentoring and Coaching (IAMCasia) 071-776-9273 Harshana Dassanayak­e Director Internatio­nal Academy of Mentoring and Coaching (IAMCasia) 077-733-0319

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