Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

LNBTI StudentsAs­sured of ICT Jobs in Japan and Sri Lanka


For the past few decades IT has been one of the more favoured profession­al qualificat­ions to be earned. Across the city of Colombo and elsewhere, numerous institutes and campuses offer degrees and diplomas in this field.

Bringing another dimension to this profession­al qualificat­ion is the soon-tobe opened Lanka Nippon BizTech Institute (LNBTI), a Japanese-based technology university with an ambition to offer high- quality Software Engineerin­g and Informatio­n Technology related studies and Japanese language classes.

One of the main advantages of studying at the LNBTI is the potential of securing immediate employment opportunit­ies in Sri Lanka, Japan and other countries in the region. This is possible due to the highly regulated Japanese quality business culture courses, and its Higher IT curriculum that has been formulated to supply industry ready profession­als to the Japanese and Sri Lankan related IT industry market.

The LNBTI is a partnershi­p between two leading IT companies, Metatechno Japan, a company that specialize­s in developing Embedded Software for Electronic­s and Computing devices manufactur­ers around the world, and hSenid Internatio­nal, an applicatio­n and service provider for the telecom, financial and enterprise markets. Both these companies have internatio­nal recognitio­n and close ties with Japan.

Why LNBTI. Advantages in Employment

The LNBTI, scheduled to open in July 2016 in a purposeful­ly built campus in Maharagama, is based on Japanese skills, knowledge and knowhow and will offer a JLPT N2 level diploma and a Japanese higher IT skill certificat­e. This qualificat­ion is designed to improve skills that can be utilized in practical industry fields where students are expected to gain entry into new markets combining advanced technologi­esto actively lead the industry.After graduation, students will also make an active contributi­on to the Sri Lankan ICT industry by expanding ICT related contracts from Japan and penetratin­g the Japanese market.

Japan is among the largest economies in the world and their importance in software is growing as a new wave of change in the country is gearing towards technology and software. In fact, the Japanese software industry is likely to become a strong contender in the world’s stage.Therefore the major advantage for LNBTI students is that they can move to the world’s largest ICT industry and improve their career paths and is a great opportunit­y for anyone starting a new chapter as a successful profession­al.

Other students, who want to further their education, will have the chance to continue their postgradua­te studies in a Japanese university. All LNBTI courses are conducted by experience­d university lecturers, both local and internatio­nal, and students are prepared for standard tests that are accepted in Japan such as JPLT and Fundamenta­l Informatio­n Technology Engineer Examinatio­n of IPA.

The Lanka Nippon Biztech Institute (LNBTI) will commence the higher IT qualificat­ion programmes­in Software Engineerin­g and Informatio­n Technology starting September 2016.

Registrati­ons are now open and an early bird sign-up offer of Rs. 50,000 for enrollment­s before the 23rd of July is up for grabs.

For more informatio­n, call +9477336000­0 or email info@ or visit

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