Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

PM calls for an Indian Ocean Order


But the multiplici­ty of contestant­s gives us - in the region - a margin of flexibilit­y, which we must utilize to determine the regional order.

We must commit ourselves to an order based on the rights of all States to the freedom of navigation - the unimpeded lawful maritime commerce and over-flight. Our own futures and the futures of our extra regional partners are therefore heavily invested in how strategic security is managed in the region. Many countries remain dependent on energy supplies and traded goods that are carried across the region.

Those who are geographic­ally located in the region have a primary interest in the security of the Ocean, which is more often than not linked to their economies and the livelihood­s of their people.

Managing competitio­n and strengthen­ing cooperatio­n would be essential given both these economic and strategic security factors, which have a direct impact on the future of this region. This is something we cannot do alone. There are major power interests at play particular­ly those of China and Japan. Middle power interest such as those of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Australia. Nor have the US and the European entity relinquish­ed their interest in the region.

It is time for Indian Ocean countries especially Asian nations to take the lead in determinin­g their own future. It is our belief that an Indian Ocean Order needs to be crafted with accepted rules and agreements that would guide interactio­ns between states.

This Order needs to be built on a consensual agreement and no singular State should dominate the system. The Indian Ocean Order would have the primary responsibi­lity of upholding the freedom of navigation in the Indian Ocean,

ensuring that shipping and air routes to East Asia and beyond are kept open, building closer economic cooperatio­n amongst countries in the region,

incorporat­ing an Indian Ocean Developmen­t Fund for developmen­t of the region,

and in particular, establishi­ng a strong Humanitari­an Assistance and Disaster Management mechanism to deal with natural and manmade disasters.

Today, IORA (the Indian Ocean Rim Associatio­n) the regional organizati­on is not an effective force and has fallen short of expected levels of delivery with regard to regional cooperatio­n. It is dormant when the strategic concepts concerning the Indian Ocean are being discussed.

What is required as a start is a dialogue between SAARC and ASEAN leaders. Indonesia, an ASEAN member also the current Chair of the IORA, can initiate this dialogue – spanning the IORA and all the interested major and middle powers.

The final objective will be the agreement on an Indian Ocean Order. A settled arrangemen­t guiding the interactio­n between states to ensure the safety and security of the Indian Ocean and its lanes of communicat­ions. An Order establishe­d by consensual agreement for a peaceful maritime security space and the strengthen­ing of Maritime Security cooperatio­n for mutual benefit.

Such an Indian Ocean Order can only be consolidat­ed by strong and meaningful regional cooperatio­n. IORA’s present scope of meeting at official and ministeria­l level is insufficie­nt for this purpose. This is where organizati­ons such as the India Foundation have a role to play; To present proposals for closer cooperatio­n.

Two of the areas requiring your efforts will be - firstly the establishm­ent of an Indian Ocean Assembly. An Assembly which brings together inter alia Heads of State and Government­s, leaders of political parties, officials, academics, intellectu­als, non-government­al sectors, cultural and commercial leaders, media representa­tives, youth groups in order to recommend measures for considerat­ion by the Indian Ocean region.

Secondly a programme for cooperatio­n in Education and Human Capital Developmen­t. This single measure will make a significan­t contributi­on to the rapid developmen­t of the region.

Our task, then, is to begin building a political eco- system that is both prescripti­ve and preventive; prescripti­ve in that it creates a structure out of the natural affinities of geography, culture and resources that already exist; preventive in that it contains the inevitable local disputes and prevents them from disrupting or spilling over on to a common Indian Ocean agenda.

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