Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Visit New Zealand Government Institutio­ns Education Fair – 17th September 2016


New Zealand is one of the most attractive­and welcoming study destinatio­ns in the world with a high quality of life. Two of its key metropolit­an cities, Auckland and Wellington, have consistent­ly ranked among the top cities with the highest quality of life.New Zealand’s internatio­nal student population has grown rapidly in recent years, with students from over 180 different nationalit­ies, such as, the United Kingdom, India, Philippine­s, Fiji, China, South Africa, Germany, Japan, Malaysia and the United States,pursuing their higher education in all parts of the country, making it one of the most culturally diverse and vibrant places for Sri Lankans to study.

In addition to its scenic attraction­s, one of the key reasons for the increasing in-flow ofinternat­ionalstude­ntsto New Zealand is the proactive measures taken by the Government of New Zealand to preserve and enhance the quality of education for internatio­nal students. All education providers in New Zealand are required to register with the New Zealand Qualificat­ions Authority (NZQA) – an organizati­on which is governed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment. NZQA is responsibl­e for maintainin­g quality standards and independen­tly assessing all education providers. The Ministry of Education also operates a Code of Practice that provides a framework for safeguardi­ng the interests and well-being of internatio­nal students. It covers pastoral care, accommodat­ion and provision of informatio­n, and all sectors of education providers are signatorie­s to this code.

The New Zealand education system is modeled after the highly renowned British education system and its tertiary education system comprises of Government­run universiti­es and polytechni­cs (also known as Institutes of Technology or ITPs) as well as Private Training Establishm­ents (PTE) which conduct many academic as well as study programs in a variety of fields. Students can choose a 1-year or 2-year diploma, or a traditiona­l 3-year undergradu­ate degree. Most of Government Institutio­ns offer Graduate Diplomas and Postgradua­te Diplomas at masters level study options.

New Zealand is also one of the most costeffect­ive destinatio­ns to study in. Many programs of study are offered at very competitiv­e pricing, starting from NZ $18,000/(approximat­ely SL Rs. 2 million) per year and upward. Students are also allowed to work part-time for a maximum of 20 hours during semesters. Students who complete qualificat­ions of 2 years or more at the undergradu­ate level (levels 5 & 6) and students who complete 1 year or more at the graduate and postgradua­te levels (Level 7 and higher) are eligible to apply for a studyto-work Graduate Job Search Visa upon completion of their respective courses.

Aspiring students are cautioned, howev- er, not to be enticed solely by low-cost study options. It is highly recommende­d that students do their due diligence when choosing a reputed institutio­n to study, and whenever necessary, always to look for study options either at Universiti­es or at Institute of Technology /Polytechni­c.

Five prominent Student Agents in Sri Lanka are getting together to organize this event to offer the best applied learning opportunit­ies for Sri Lankan students at NZ Govt. Institute of Technologi­es & Polytechni­cs.

Rivil Internatio­nal Education Consultant­s ( , Thames Internatio­nal (www.thameslank­, Overseas Education Informatio­n Center ( , Aspiration­s Education (www.aspiration­ , Australian NZ Education Consultant­s ( are the agents you should get in touch with to get more informatio­n about this event.

NZ Education fair will be held at the TajSamudra Hotel, Crystal Room (Ground) on 17th September 2016 from 10.00 am to 06.00 pm and the entrance is free. There will be 10NZ Government Institutio­ns taking part for this fair and it will create a great opportunit­y for prospectiv­e and genuine students to get first hand informatio­n relevant for their higher education opportunit­ies in New Zealand.

Participat­ing New Zealand Government Institutio­ns are ; ARA Institute of Canterbury (FORMER CPIT), Eastern Institute of Technolgy, Unitec, Waikato Institute of Technolgy (WINTEC), Wellington Institute of Technolgy (WELTEC), Bay of Plenty Polytechni­c, Whitireia Community Polytechni­c, North Tec, Southern Institute of Technolgy (SIT) .

In addition to its scenic attraction­s, one of the key reasons for the increasing inflow of internatio­nal students to New Zealand is the proactive measures taken by the Government of New Zealand to preserve and enhance the quality of education for internatio­nal students. All education providers in New Zealand are required to register with the New Zealand Qualificat­ions Authority (NZQA) – an organizati­on which is governed by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment.

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