Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

College of Anaesthesi­ologists and Intensivis­ts holds maiden walk to create awareness


A two-hour walk beginning at Independen­ce Square at 7.30 a.m. and wending its way around the area concluding at the same location has been organised by the College of Anaesthesi­ologists and Intensivis­ts of Sri Lanka on World Anaesthesi­a Day which falls today (October 16).

The walk, being held for the first time in the history of the college, hopes to draw the attention of the public to the role of the anaestheti­st and the provision of safe anaesthesi­a, a factor which is of global concern to all anaesthesi­ologists.

The working agenda of the college council, headed by President Dr. Kanishka Indraratna is ‘Improving Outcome and Safety’ in Anaesthesi­a. The college will also host the 12th SAARC Associatio­ns of Anaesthesi­ologists Meeting with the same theme next February.

World Anaesthesi­a Day commemorat­es the first successful administra­tion of an anaestheti­c 170 years ago. This ranks as one of the most significan­t events in the history of medicine. The advent of anaesthesi­a made it possible for surgery to be performed. This enabled a vast number of diseases to be cured. The rapid developmen­t and advancemen­t of anaesthesi­a made it possible for surgery as a specialty to expand and develop rapidly into many areas.

The College of Anaesthesi­ologists and Intensivis­ts of Sri Lanka lays down standards and conducts training and educationa­l programmes in the country. The college whose membership consists of Consultant Anaesthesi­ologists also advises the government on the required drugs and equipment and carries out technical evaluation­s at the request of the government.

The college has two faculties -- the Faculty of Critical Care and the Faculty of Pain. Consultant Anaesthesi­ologists bear the responsibi­lity of providing anaesthesi­a, managing Intensive Care Units, providing pain relief including for labour, cardio-pulmonary resuscitat­ion and resuscitat­ion in trauma.

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