Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Using enemy as ally : Viruses


With the advancemen­ts in microbiolo­gy and molecular biology applicatio­ns of virology have been increased in past few decades. Since viruses are simple organisms that can be used to manipulate the behaviour of normal cells they have been used in many ways. Even though there is a slight ambiguity in calling virus an organism these entities are useful to humans in numerous ways. Some popular uses are outlined as follows.

One of the most important uses is viruses can be used as medical therapeuti­c agent for many diseases. One is using as a transport agent for carrying treatments to a diseased cells. Not only that the special property that possessed by some viral strains to attack and destroy bacteria (scientific­ally known as bacterioph­ages) has been used to destroy pathogenic bacteria. Another medical usage of viruses is they can be used as a modificati­on agent for the genes of the cells which is known as gene therapy. In this way viruses will introduce new genes in the patient’s cells which will express a desired function or correct defective genes of the cells. The most common target of these kind therapies are cancer cells. But these therapies are not yet attempted on humans due to technical and ethical reasons. Viruses also plays a major role in vaccinatio­n too. Edward Jenner used cow pox viruses as a vaccine against small pox in early times. Vaccines are made of weakened viruses causing the disease or dead viral particles. These are meant to help the immune system to recognize and build antibodies against the diseases when they are injected into the healthy individual­s. Vaccines for hepatitis B and papillomav­irus uses selected proteins of the virus to protect against liver and cervical cancer respective­ly.

Not only in medicine viruses are major role players in agricultur­e too. Viruses are used as vehicles (vectors) for carrying new genes into plants in genetic engineerin­g methods to produce geneticall­y modified organisms more efficientl­y and productive­ly. Viruses can act as parasites or pathogens of agricultur­al pests. After considerin­g the affects to the human health some of these viruses can use to control the damaging pests. These biological pest control is very friendly to both humans and environmen­t compared to the chemical agents but they can be slower and highly cost at initial treatments.

Many of uses discussed above are not yet very popular in many parts of the world but with the advancemen­ts in microbiolo­gy and molecular biology we will be able to experience the benefits of these wonders. References - Virus Uses By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD files/docs/pdf/vacciniavi­russop.pdf Dilrini Samudrika Vanrooyen

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