Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

AOD Partners Northumbri­a UK to Present Award-winning Fashion Business Degree to Sri Lanka

AOD’s BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Design degree at AOD structured to lead management, marketing and businesss students towards specializi­ng in and championin­g the fashion industry


Fashion Industry is a multi faceted industry with great business opportunit­ies and currently the industry is booming with an internatio­nal following from local designers to fashion brands driving the Fashion and Apparel engagement to the forefront. With fashion being a unique industry that has its own manufactur­ing structures, market movements, supplier networks, consumer trends, business practices and seasonal sensitivit­ies, it requires a specialise­d knowledge and a highly focused expertise to manage or lead a fashion business. Specialize­d areas like Fashion Journalism to Fashion branding are in demand carving out a new scope for Fashion businesses in Sri Lanka. The Fashion and Apparel Industry is also driving initiative­s to position itself as an innovation hub and the fashion business leaders are constantly looking out for specialise­d talent. Even in the case of someone who wants to start their own fashion business, the competitio­n out there now is fierceso you just have to know what you’re doing and where exactly your business propositio­n fits in such a vast industry; all this needs specialise­d education on the business of fashion.

Considerin­g this, AOD- Sri Lanka’s leading educator that links creative innovation with industry, has launched a fashion business programme in partnershi­p with the prestigiou­s British university Northumbri­a which pioneered the first Fashion Marketing Program in the UK.

Program Content

The program gives insight into everything essential for the business of fashion, from the art of anticipati­ng and calculatin­g consumer trends, market movements to specialise­d knowledge on design and material tech etc. It taps into everything from creative and strategic thinking to public relations, influencer marketing, experienti­al marketing, digital marketing, content marketing and demographi­c specific strategies, in addition to studies in identifyin­g market trends and industry developmen­ts.

The degree includes giving an overall understand­ing on the fashion business and has a prominent focus on marketing and design lead innovation.

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