Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

15 trade unions submit proposals for new Decent Work programme


The third cycle of Sri Lanka’s Decent Work Country Programme ( DWCP) for the period 2018- 2022 is under preparatio­n with the facilitati­on of the ILO’s Colombo office. Fifteen trade unions at the initiation of the CFL, CMU, CBEU and the CESU have developed and prioritise­d proposals for inclusion in the DWCP for 20182022 and these have been forwarded in a joint memorandum to the local office of the ILO.

Here are excerpts of the proposals:

Raising awareness on the concept of Decent Work A concerted effort shall be first made to raise reasonable awareness on the topic of Decent Work in Society. Social media tools and innovative communicat­ion strategies shall be used to present the concept in a simplified manner. Public officials and most labour leaders have little or no idea about decent work.

Non-Standard Employment

The draft amendment to Sec. 59A of the Wages Boards Ordinance on sub- contract labour presented to the NLAC ( National Labour Advisory Council) needs to be re- engaged and reviewed so as to serve its intended purpose of complying with requiremen­ts of ILO Recommenda­tion No. 198 on Employment Relationsh­ip and make it practicall­y enforceabl­e in Sri Lanka.


Increasing the labour force participat­ion rate for females is an urgent priority and one important pre requisite to achieve gender equality in the labour force and society at large. Sri Lanka is among the few countries that record an extremely low participat­ion rate of females in the labour force. The arbitrary increase of statutoril­y permissibl­e hours of overtime work for women (from 100 hours per annum to 720 hours per annum) in the year 2003, for the industrial sector, is several folds higher than competitiv­e high FDI attracting countries such as Vietnam. Women are often employed beyond the legally permissibl­e extents at night in premises coming under the purview of the Shop and Office Employees Act. No safe and reliable public transporta­tion system exists for workers who sign- out during late hours in the night. This has seriously endangered their safety. The government has failed to give effect to provisions of ILO Convention 103 on Maternity Protection.

Labour market

Non-formalisat­ion of the labour market is spreading fast Gig economy symptoms are widely prevalent in the new jobs that are being created. The female labour force participat­ion rate is alarmingly low. No scientific labour market expectatio­n analysis has been done to determine and match the needs of the labour force, type of jobs in demand, the focus of jobs generated by the economy, socio-economic and political changes required to adjust to the requiremen­ts of the labour force. Sri Lanka is a country with the least amount of holidays and has an overworked labour force (ILO labour market statistica­l compilatio­n) Sri Lanka has the most liberal labour regime on many counts in the South and East Asian region ( official and verifiable statistica­l compilatio­n of the World Bank) Sri Lanka has the lowest minimum wage in the region and, globally only 16 countries have minimum wages that are lesser than Sri Lanka. (official and verifiable statistica­l compilatio­n of the World Bank) Places of work that employ small numbers of workers have become the engine of the economy and this trend continues to grow.

Labour rights

Not a single prosecutio­n of unfair labour practice has yet resulted in a conviction since the adoption of the relevant local law in 1999. No effective mechanism exists to address unfair labour practices. Unions in the public and non-public sector cannot form federation­s or form organisati­ons of their choosing consisting of both these categories of employees. Public sector unions also have statutory restrictio­ns in forming unions representi­ng different categories of employees in their workplaces. There are no proactive measures or policies that aim at expanding the cover of labour laws to encompass the fast expanding informalis­ing segments/areas of the labour force.

Labour law enforcemen­t

No meaningful and verifiable steps have been taken by the government to implement the 17 recommenda­tions set out in the 2012 Technical Memorandum ( Sri Lanka Labour Administra­tion and Inspection needs assessment) report of the LAB/ ADMIN Labour Administra­tion and Inspection division of ILO, Geneva. The Labour Inspection System Applicatio­n (LISA) has serious practical deficienci­es. Digitalisa­tion of labour inspection is essential and shall be done with constructi­ve input from all relevant stakeholde­rs. The practical effectiven­ess of LISA was not constructi­vely validated with the participat­ion of the labour inspectora­te, the general body of unions and the general public who seek the services of the department of labour. Laws on regulating the employment of women at night are being permitted to violate with the express permission of the department of labour. A backlog of over 20,000 labour law enforcemen­t prosecutio­n cases exists. Justice for terminatio­n of employment and adjudicati­on The inability of Labour Tribunals to provide reasonable compensati­on or speedy reinstatem­ent has discourage­d workers from seeking redress from this forum as the cost of litigation is disproport­ionately higher than any possible relief a worker could get. Non-lawyer workers representa­tives are not permitted to appear in labour tribunals.

Social security

Sri Lanka is moving towards a demographi­c transition where the growth of the dependent population is overtaking the growth of the economical­ly active. Active accounts in the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) have remained stagnant since 2013. The stagnation in the growth of active EPF accounts indicates stagnation in the creation of jobs that provide minimum social security. No universal old age social security system exists. New recruits to the public sector workers are denied a guaranteed retirement benefit scheme. The current public sector pension scheme is discontinu­ed on these workers. Transparen­t, timely and sufficient informatio­n on the overall manage- ment of the EPF and ETF is not available. An arbitrary and draconian system of taxation is applied on EPF, ETF and private provident/retirement funds Due to the crisis triggered by the bond scam and the system of arbitrary and exploitati­ve taxation imposed on retirement funds, private provident funds are encounteri­ng serious difficulti­es in offering competitiv­e returns to their members.

Social Dialogue

A constructi­ve social dialogue platform is absent. The involvemen­t of worker stakeholde­rs on the topic of social dialogue cannot be narrowed down to a few unions of the NALC. Over 95 per cent of the workers are not organised. The male dominant unions at the NLAC do not represent more than 2 per cent of the workforce. In terms of the interpreta­tions of the ILO CFA, the right to freedom of associatio­n includes the right to join and not to join a union. As such, if the majority of the workforce has decided not to join a union, their concerns cannot be excluded from the national social dialogue platform. The process of selection of worker representa­tives to the Wages Boards does not appropriat­ely reflect workers or their representa­tives of those respective sectors; the process lacks essential checks and balances that ought to be observed in such processes of selection. Serious issues of transparen­cy exist in the current process. Often these Wages Boards function in a stage- managed manner with a flawed representa­tion of worker representa­tives. The 15 trade unions are: Ceylon Federation of Labour, Ceylon Mercantile Industrial and General Workers Union, Ceylon Estate Staffs’ Union, Ceylon Bank Employees Union, Independen­t Dock Workers Union, Telecommun­ications Engineerin­g Diplomats’ Associatio­n, All Employees Union of Informatio­n Telecommun­ication, Sri Lanka Insurance Employees Union, Railway Clerical Union, Dumriya Stashan Karya Sevaka Sangamaya, National Free Trade Union, SLIC Internal Sales Staff Union, Food Beverages and Tobacco Employees Union, Sri Lanka Railway Station Masters Union and the Profession­al Trade Union Alliance.

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