Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Master’s in Wireless Communicat­ion from Finish university


The launch of the double degree prog ram, a Master’s in Wire l e s s Communicat­ions from the University of Peradeniya and University of Oulu, Finland was held recently in Colombo.

Deputy Minister of Policy Planning and Economic Developmen­t, Dr. Harsha de Silva was the chief guest at the event.

The centre for wireless communicat­ions engineerin­g ( CWC) at the University of Oulu which will be conducting the prog ram from Finland which has a long trad i t i o n o f world cl a s s research and industry collaborat­ion in wireless communicat­ions with emphasis on 5G cellular and Inter net of Things ( IoT) applicatio­ns, the University of Peradeniya said.

The De p a r t m e n t of Electrical and Electronic Engineerin­g the University of Peradeniya has a strong group in communicat­ions engineerin­g which offers an excellent teaching program and undertakes research in communicat­ion systems, the university added.

Acting vice chancellor, Prof. Lakshman Wijeweera addressed the gathering and emphasised the importance of the program.

Delegates from Finland, including the CWC director, Pro f. Mat t i L at va - a h o stressed the importance of the double degree program. He also highlighte­d that the program would give students of both countries an in-depth technical knowledge on cutting edge wireless ecosystems that would help to develop future scholars, researcher­s and industry leaders.

Dr. Harsha De Silva highlighte­d the importance of the double degree program on wireless communicat­ion to the developmen­t of technology in the country.

A message from Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesi­nghe was read.

The launch was we l l attended with local industry representa­tives of all major telecommun­ication service providers and applicatio­n developers, representa­tives from local universiti­es as well as prospectiv­e students.

The program is planned for January 2018.

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