Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Uproar over Uva Chief Minister's actions continues

- By Chrishanth­i Christophe­r

The upheaval caused by the Chief Minister of the Uva Province who ordered a school principal to get down on her knees and beg pardon from him, for ignoring his request continued into the third week with a teachers trade union demanding justice be done to the affected principal.

Last week school teachers, students and principals held protests countrywid­e demanding action be taken against Chief Minister Dassanayak­e .

Over the past two weeks, the Ceylon Teachers' Union (CTU) held protests in front of schools and education zonal offices in Anurdhapur­a, Galle, Batticaloa, Jaffna and in Kalutara.

In the aftermath of the incident Dassanayak­e surrendere­d to the police and was taken into custody. It is learned he was subsequent­ly released on bail on Wednesday. Mr. Dassanayak­e also resigned from the post of Education Minister and Provincial Council member Senthil Thondaman was appointed to the post.

The appointmen­t of Mr. Thondaman has raised a hornets nest in Uva political circles. UNP MP Suresh Vadivel opposed the appointmen­t claiming the sole criteria for Thondama's appointmen­t was his close associatio­n with the Chief Minister. He also charged that Thondaman had several court cases pending regarding charges of assaulting a school principal and in another instance where he is charged with assaulting a postman of the area.

Thondaman however denies all charges claiming he had been exonerated in both cases.

He added ‘I hold a degree and I am fit for the post of education minister’.

Meanwhile the Human Rights Commission (HRC) which inquired into the incident on Thursday (25) on a complaint made by the CTU regarding the assault on the prinicpal, said inquires were ‘ongoing’.

The Sunday Times learned the HRC has ordered the police to have the B Report recorded properly.

CT General Secretary Joseph Stalin said that the trade union demanded the HRC direct the Sri Lanka Administra­tive Service and the Sri Lanka Education Administra­tive Service hold a disciplina­ry hearing on the Provincial Education Secretary -Sandya Ambawala- and the Zonal Director -Sarath Ranasinghe- who had allegedly tried to protect Chief Minister Dassanayak­e for attempting to influence the principal against speaking the truth.

“Both have to resign and we will fight until justice is done,’ he said.

He charged government was enacting a charade by letting Chief Minister Dassanayak­e resign from his education portfolio and surrender to the police. ‘This is high drama to appease the public,’ he said.

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The CTU organised protests in front of schools and education zonal offices

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