Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

China's Space Station will plummet to earth around April Fool's Day

- By Brid-Aine Parnell

The uncontroll­ed plummet to Earth of China’s space station is now scheduled for some time around April Fool’s Day.

The European Space Agency (ESA) and the Aerospace Corporatio­n have narrowed their respective prediction­s for the demise of the defunct Tiangong-1 to between March 30th and April 3rd. However, both are warning that the precise timing is still highly variable.

"Due to the uncertaint­ies involved it is very difficult to predict the exact timing of a space object’s re-entry. There are several sources of uncertaint­y which include: 1) significan­t variation in the density of the upper layers of the atmosphere, 2) significan­t uncertaint­ies in the orientatio­n of the space craft over time, uncertaint­ies in some physical properties of the spacecraft such as the exact mass and material compositio­n, and 3) uncertaint­ies in the exact location and speed of the space station. When aggregated, these factors translate into a reentry timing uncertaint­y that is roughly 20% of the “time to go” (the time between the date of the prediction and the predicted date of reentry)," Aerospace Corporatio­n explains.

China lost control of its first space station, known as the Heavenly Palace in English, in 2016, when communicat­ions between ground control and the orbiting craft stopped without warning. Ground crews may still attempt to get some control over the station’s re-entry as it drops its orbit, but it’s assumed that they are unable to do so for now.

Most of the station will break up on impact with the Earth’s atmosphere, although it is possible that some souvenirs will make it all the way to the ground. However, it is highly improbable that any people or property will be damaged.

It is possible that crash and burn will give some folks a lightshow, although the location of the re-entry is as difficult to predict as its timing. Any debris from the space station will fall along a point on the Earth that the station passes over. However, given how orbits work, that point could be anywhere in a band a few hundred kilometres wide that crosses over the northern US, southern Europe, parts of southern South America and New Zealand.

The ESA and Aerospace are promising to keep the updates coming over the next week and while they’ll never be able to give an exact time or location, they may be able to narrow the

range further. (Courtesy Forbes)

 ??  ?? The Tiangong-1 space station (artist's impression) is hurtling towards Earth carrying a 'highly toxic chemical'
The Tiangong-1 space station (artist's impression) is hurtling towards Earth carrying a 'highly toxic chemical'

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