Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

The Pope says there’s no hell: Perhaps he’s forgotten Lanka?


In his Good Friday sermon, Pope Francis has said that hell does not exist. Perhaps the servant of the servant of God who visited the isle in 2015 was denied the chance to see the other side of Eden.

A joke currently doing the rounds goes like this:

Donald Trump, the Queen of England and a former Lankan President died and went to hell. They were met by Satan and were told to sign the register. Whilst doing so, Trump saw a red phone at the reception desk.

He asked Satan: ‘ Whats that for’?”

“Oh, that’s for calling Earth,” Satan replied.

“Can I make a quick call,” Trump asked in earnest, anxious to get in touch with Stormy Daniels. “Sure,” Satan replied, “of course Universal Direct Dialing (UDD) call rates apply.”

Trump spoke for ten minutes. At the end of the call Satan charged him a million dollars. “No prob”, Trump said and wrote out a cheque for the same amount.

The Queen then asked the devil.” Excuse me, Mr. Satan, can I possibly call home.”

“And where would that be,” Satan asked. “England, of course, you old fool,” the Queen replied.

“Of, course, ma’am, “the Devil said and gave her the phone. The Queen spoke for thirty minutes. She was charged ten million pounds, which she readily paid by way of cheque, guaranteed by the Bank of England.

The former Lankan president waited till the Queen had finished her call and asked the devil whether there will be a problem if he spoke to his relatives in Lanka. “No problem, my old friend,” Satan said and handed over the universal direct dialing hotline to him.

The Lankan president spent two and a half hours on the line. When kept, Satan charged him Rs. Fifty for the call.

Trump rose in protest and shouted. “What, I had to pay a million dollars for a ten minute call to the US and Her Majesty had to pay ten million pounds for a thirty minute call while this guy here is only charged fifty bucks for a two and a half hour call. Who is this guy anyway?

Satan replied: “This guy is the man who changed Lanka to Hell and therefore we treat it as a local call.”

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