Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)




1. Without excess, luxury, or ease; simple; limited; severe. (7) 5. Sudden fear. (5) 8. Irritate or provoke with persistent petty distractio­ns. (5) 9. Showing favoritism. (7) 10. He works in the real-estate business. (7) 11. Newly wedded couples are said to walk down this church passage. (5) 12. A system of principles governing morality and acceptable conduct. (6) 14. With suspicion, mistrust, or disapprova­l. (6) 17. Place of peace, safety, or happiness in the midst of difficulty. (5) 19. A thin piece of wood, slate, metal, or asbestos. (7) 22. A judgement or decision. (7) 23. Of the moon. (5) 24. Device for drying clothes. (5) 25. Ask earnestly; beseech; implore. (7)


1. Vows are exchanged here. (5) 2. The sun god of Assyria and Babylonia. (7) 3. One of the contests in a sports meet. (5) 4. To ship commoditie­s to other countries or places for sale, exchange. (6) 5. Websites that function as entry points to the Internet. (7) 6. Accomplish­es perfectly. (5) 7. A transverse and totally enclosed drain under a road or railway. (7) 12. Developed gradually. (7) 13. He handles the funds. (7) 15. Wooded region of NE France: scene of major battles in both World Wars. (7) 16. Parasitic fly. (6) 18. Feeling remorseful. (5) 20. Narrow passage between islands. (5) 21. White heron with long plumes. (5)

Entries should be written clearly and addressed to: “The Editor, the Sunday Times, P. O. Box 1136, Colombo 2”, to reach on or before 12 noon, on February 14, 2019. Write: “Times Crossword, No.991”, on the top left hand corner of the envelope. The first all correct entry opened wins a prize of Rs. 1500 and the second Rs.1000. There are also five consolatio­n prizes of Rs. 500 each. Names of the winners and the correct solution will appear on February 17, 2019.

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