Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Inflammati­on may be main driver of autism

- By Mary Kekatos

Inflammati­on may be main driver behind autism, a new study suggests.

Researcher­s compared the brains of eight children with the developmen­tal disorder and eight children without it.

They found the parts of the autistic children's brains that are crucial to working memory and attention - areas that are impaired in people who have autism - had unusually high levels of a molecule known to trigger inflammati­on.

The team, led by Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston, Massachuse­tts, says the findings suggests that drugs that target anti-inflammato­ry proteins could one day be an effective treatment for autism.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmen­tal disorder in which sufferers have a hard time communicat­ing and with behavior. It encompasse­s several conditions - including autism, Asperger's syndrome and childhood disintegra­tive disorder - and symptoms can range from mild to severe.

Children are usually diagnosed by age two after they exhibit signs such as reduced eye contact, not responding to their name and performing repetitive movements.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one in 59 children has ASD.

Boys are much more likely - up to four times - to have the condition than girls.

For the study, published in the journal Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences, the team looked at the brains of 16 male Caucasian children who had died.

Eight of the children had ASD and eight didn't, and they all ranged between three and 14 years old.

Results showed that the brains of the children with ASD had increased numbers of a protein called Interleuki­n-18 (IL-18).

This particular­ly occurred in the amygdala, the part of the brain that is responsibl­e for detecting fear, and the dorsolater­al prefrontal cortex, which is involved in cognitive skills that include working memory, attention and evaluating rewards.

IL-18 is known to bring about serious inflammato­ry responses, which suggests it may play a role in some inflammato­ry diseases, particular­ly of the skin such as psoriasis. Researcher­s also found increased numbers - but not as many - of IL-37, which is an anti-inflammato­ry protein. They believe that drugs that target IL-37 could be a therapeuti­c treatment and decrease the amount of IL-18 in the brain.

"ASD does not have a distinct pathogenes­is or effective treatment. Increasing evidence supports the presence of immune dysfunctio­n and inflammati­on in the brains of children with ASD," the authors wrote.

"These findings highlight the important role... of IL- 37 in the inhibition of inflammati­on, thus supporting the developmen­t of IL37 as a treatment for ASD."

 ?? (REUTERS/Ali Jarekji) ?? An autistic child at the Consulting Centre for Autism in Amman, Jordan, in 2010.
(REUTERS/Ali Jarekji) An autistic child at the Consulting Centre for Autism in Amman, Jordan, in 2010.

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