Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Do the rich starve?


Probably, the issue that we dealt with last week ended with more questions than answers. The issue that we focussed on was that “there are too many people in rural agricultur­e sector in Sri Lanka, producing too little”, so that they continue to remain in poverty without an adequate income. Our discussion led to an important question: “What is the best strategy to get them out of rural poverty”.

The answer that we arrived at was that a significan­t number of people in the rural agricultur­e sector need to leave which would expand the average farm- holdings to an economical size.

What nonsense! Some of you might be thinking in that way too.

Falling agricultur­e share

“Is it possible for a country to become rich without agricultur­e output?” One day, I posed this question to a group of students.

They were all unanimous in saying “no”.

Then I directed them to find out “what the richest country in Asia is, and what would the contributi­on of agricultur­e in that country be.”

By going through the World Bank database, the answer they found, actually, shocked them: The richest country in Asia with US$ 64,000 per capita GDP is Singapore, and its agricultur­e contributi­on to GDP is zero. They thought it was a mistake.

It was not a mistake. As a percentage of GDP, agricultur­e value addition is reported to be (near) zero in Singapore, because of the overwhelmi­ng contributi­on by the non- agricultur­e sectors - industry and service sectors. Otherwise, out of about 3.5 million l abour force in Singapore, there are about 16,000 farmers too.

I asked them again: “So do you think that Singaporea­ns are starving without sufficient agricultur­e output for people’s consumptio­n?”

Vulnerable to food crises

Some countries depend on agricultur­e more than others. We can identify these difference­s by looking at their sectoral output and employment compositio­n. Their agricultur­e share in the economy is more and agricultur­e employment is more, compared to the others that are less dependent on agricultur­e.

From time to time, there have been food crises in the world. The most recent food crises was led by rising global food prices about 15 years ago. I gave them another issue to examine: “When there are food crises in the world, which countries suffer more – the countries which depend ‘more’ on agricultur­e or the countries which depend ‘less’ on agricultur­e?”

Technicall­y, the countries which depend less on agricultur­e should suffer the food crisis more than the agricultur­e- dependent countries. Amazingly, it was the opposite! The countries, which were less dependent on agricultur­e did not suffer. It was the agricultur­e-dependent countries which suffered the food crisis most!

What was the secret? The countries, which were less dependent on agricultur­e were rich, while agricultur­e- dependent countries were poor. The rich can afford to pay high prices, but not the poor. Where is malnutriti­on in the world? In agricultur­e- dependent countries; why? They cannot afford to buy nutritious food. Isn’t ridiculous?

Senseless economics

It is amazing to know that when countries become rich, they also become less-dependent on agricultur­e. The smaller countries become even much less- dependent on agricultur­e than the bigger countries. This is because smaller countries logically and quickly find their limited land is more productive with non- agricultur­e than with agricultur­e.

Although this transforma­tion challenges our convention­al wisdom, it has been the fact. When countries transform themselves to become “high- income” countries, naturally the share of agricultur­e contributi­on to the economy and employment becomes smaller. Why?

There are two reasons for that: First, the expansiona­ry capacity of the agricultur­e sector is naturally limited. Agricultur­e sector cannot grow at higher rates as 8 – 10 per cent a year. This means that whatever the productivi­ty growth that we aspire in that sector, it cannot guarantee higher incomes and more jobs to growing population­s.

Second, the non- agricultur­e sectors – industry and services, do not have such boundaries; they can grow at higher rates and, have the ability to sustain such higher rates over longer periods of time. This means that it is the non- agricultur­e sector that generates higher incomes and more jobs.

Most of the rich countries have agricultur­e sector contributi­on at around 2 per cent of GDP; the UK and the USA have even less than 1 per cent of GDP, produced by about 1 per cent of the labour force employed in the sector.

People leaving, output rising

Another amazing outcome of the economic transforma­tion of a country is that, when people are leaving the agricultur­e sector, its output starts rising. For instance, 1 per cent of agricultur­e value addition to GDP in the US does not mean that the absolute value of agricultur­e output has dropped. It is actually the opposite.

The absolute value of agricultur­e value addition in the US is $ 178 billion, which is as big as twice the total GDP of Sri Lanka ($89 billion). When excess people leave the agricultur­e sector, the productivi­ty improves so that the remaining fewer number of farmers have the capacity to produce more.

As the average farm size become bigger with a fewer number of farmers, they have the ability to benefit from the economies of scale, they are capable of introducin­g newer or more appropriat­e technology, and the agricultur­e sector also become more commercial­ised.

Sri Lanka and Malaysia

A good comparison for Sri Lanka is provided by Malaysia. Sri Lanka’s agricultur­e contributi­on of almost 8 per cent of GDP is similar to that of Malaysia. But it is produced by 26 percent of the labour force in Sri Lanka, and by 11 per cent of the labour force in Malaysia.

Does it mean that more than half of our 2 million farmers “trapped” in the agricultur­e sector can actually leave it without reducing the output? If we argue for an increase in agricultur­e productivi­ty, the best way to do that is to reduce the over-employment in the agricultur­e sector.

In fact, that’s exactly what has been happening over the years even though it was at a slow pace. Along with education, young children have been leaving the sector whenever it was possible for them. The majority of those who continued to remain there are actually have done so, not necessaril­y because they liked it, but they didn’t have a choice.

Poor growth performanc­e

Now in order to complete our story we have an important question to consider: Where should they go to? There should be “non- agricultur­e” sectors expanding in the economy in order to attract and absorb excess labour leaving the agricultur­e sector.

This is why the developmen­t policies should fundamenta­lly be directed at promoting investment in industry and service sectors. It is impossible to figure out ways and means of improving production and productivi­ty in agricultur­e, without creating a business-friendly policy environmen­t to generate a modern economy with industry and service sector expansion.

The inverse of the point is also true: In an economy where industry and service sectors are not growing adequately, the agricultur­e sector remains stagnant. A country with an economy as such, obviously, displays poor growth performanc­e. (The writer is a Professor of Economics at the University of Colombo and can be reached at

 ??  ?? File picture of fresh milk farmers who get a decent income.
File picture of fresh milk farmers who get a decent income.
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