Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Why corporate reporting needs to evolve

- By Barry Melancon, CEO,Associatio­n of Internatio­nal Certified Profession­al Accountant­s

Over the past two decades, we have experience­d a major shift in the business landscape, fuelled by the rise of the digital economy. Today, intangible assets, such as software, data and customer relationsh­ips, often comprise most of a company’s worth. In the past, companies often saw their greatest value tied to tangible assets, such as machinery and buildings.

Along with this rise in the significan­ce of intangible value, we are experienci­ng increased calls for transparen­cy about how a company impacts the world. Investors, government­s and other stakeholde­rs want to know if business practices are sustainabl­e.

Companies, too, are signalling a changing mindset. Businesses are looking beyond shareholde­r profit to consider their impact on stakeholde­rs and the environmen­t. This August, CEOs of nearly 200 major companies — including Chase, Amazon, and Apple — issued a statement of “corporate purpose,” committing to deliver value to all stakeholde­rs, not just shareholde­rs. They called this a “modern standard for corporate responsibi­lity.”

All these trends are reshaping what companies, investors and stakeholde­rs need from corporate reporting. In this business environmen­t, corporate reporting needs to provide a more complete story of a company’s business model, value creation and impact than is included in a traditiona­l report.

Integrated reporting

In response to this need, the Internatio­nal Integrated Reporting Council ( IIRC) is working to promote the next step in the evolution of corporate reporting: Integrated Reporting (IR). The IIRC is a global coalition of regulators, investors, companies, standard setters, accounting profession­als and non-government­al organisati­ons. It first introduced the IR Framework in 2013, after extensive testing by businesses and investors worldwide.

While traditiona­l corporate reporting takes stock of financial performanc­e only and offers a short- term view, IR offers a more complete rendering of an organisati­on’s value over time and in the context of its external environmen­t. To do this, IR provides both quantitati­ve and qualitativ­e informatio­n about six sources of capital — financial, manufactur­ed, intellectu­al, human, social and relationsh­ip, and natural. The report describes how an organisati­on’s business model transforms these six sources of capital inputs into outputs and outcomes. In other words, IR tells a story about how an organisati­on creates, changes or destroys value over time.

Crucially, IR also provides an opportunit­y for capital inputs and outputs of an organisati­on’s business model to filter through sustainabl­e developmen­t goals (SDGs). SDGs are part of the United Nations’ ambitious agenda to end poverty and protect the planet, with specific targets designed to be met by 2030. By putting the focus on sustainabl­e developmen­t, IR supports accountabi­lity and stewardshi­p of resources. And it promotes understand­ing of their interdepen­dencies.

Integrated thinking

Not only does IR help organisati­ons do a better job of telling their story, it supports integrated thinking about how sources of capital come together to create value. Companies who adopt IR benefit from a greater understand­ing of their business model, their business environmen­t and their ability to create value over the long term.

Research has shown that this type of understand­ing improves performanc­e. In 2015, KPMG and the National University of Singapore conducted a study of 80 firms in 10 markets in the Asia Pacific to determine the relationsh­ip between IR and value creation. The researcher­s found that when companies started disclosing more than just financial informatio­n, they started outperform­ing companies that focused on financial data alone.

Why investors like IR

IR also builds investor confidence. Specifical­ly, it gives investors a better understand­ing of non- financial value and risk factors, including those related to climate change, human rights and governance. And investors are noticing. According to EY’s 2018 Global Climate Change and Sustainabi­lity Services survey of investors, nearly all responders (94 per cent) reported that integrated reports are very useful or essential sources of non-financial informatio­n.

Investor organisati­ons around the world signed a statement of support for IR, signalling their belief that IR is important to their understand­ing of businesses and their allocation of capital. They also stated their view that IR leads to improved governance and stewardshi­p of resources, helping to make businesses more stable over a longer term.

“Momentum phase”

IR is in what the the IIRC calls its “momentum phase”. More than 1,700 organisati­ons worldwide have adopted IR, with South Africa and Japan as the top two countries embracing its framework. In fact, according to a 2018 survey by KPMG Japan, over 400 Japanese businesses have issued integrated reports.

There is also a significan­t concentrat­ion of IR in other countries in Asia, including Malaysia, where 100 companies have now adopted the framework, and Sri Lanka, where 25 companies have. In industries where intangible­s play an important role, including banking, insurance, wholesale and retail, organisati­ons are more likely to issue integrated reports.

AICPA supports IR

The Associatio­n of Internatio­nal Certified Profession­al Accountant­s ( AICPA), a global organisati­on formed by members of the American Institute of CPAs and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountant­s (CIMA), supports adoption of IR, recognisin­g it as a crucial tool for businesses and organisati­ons to identify what is material to long-term value creation. The Associatio­n also provides resources to our members so they can bring IR to the businesses and organisati­ons they serve as trusted advisers.

The Associatio­n, too, is seeing the benefits of IR. We released our first integrated report covering 2017 — our inaugural year. Adopting IR enabled us to more fully appreciate the wide range of factors that affect value and support integrated thinking and planning. It’s an important tool for us as stewards of a vital and vibrant profession.

For our complex and rapidly changing world, the focus of traditiona­l financial reporting is too narrow. IR enables organisati­ons to provide a more complete account of how they are creating value over time and impacting stakeholde­rs and the environmen­t. It’s the future of corporate reporting, and the future is now.

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