Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Prelude to a "Change" in agro-industry of Sri Lanka

- By Wicky Wickramatu­nga (The writer is Managing Director, Agri world (Pvt) Ltd and Honorary Consul of Israel. He can be reached at

Since independen­ce, successive government­s of Sri Lanka experiment­ed with many models to make agricultur­e a viable venture to uplift the life standards of the "poor farmer" to a reasonably comfortabl­e level. However, 71 years of experiment­ation has not brought about decent living standards to the farming community, which is more than a third of the total population and the farmer is yet called "poor farmer". During this period of time, many countries in the world, including several Asian countries took giant and meaningful steps towards achieving self- sufficienc­y in their food crops. They also achieved an agricultur­al surplus to invest in industries, by establishi­ng viable commercial agricultur­al industries aiming at exports to developed countries. This not only increased employment opportunit­ies outside the field of agricultur­e, but also increased per capita income and living standards of those nations.

Sri Lanka regrettabl­y failed to learn from the British as to how commercial­ly viable agricultur­al industries could be establishe­d by taking lessons from the British-establishe­d coffee, tea and rubber plantation­s and related processing industries on her own soil. Instead, the government relied on experiment­s suggested by numerous local authoritie­s and also by some foreign donor agencies to improve the standards of subsistenc­e level farming operations utilising traditiona­l and convention­al methods of agricultur­e. Ironically, the country still depends so much on tea and rubber, which were establishe­d by the British as commercial plantation­s and coconut for her foreign exchange needs.

While our neighbours were busy inventing and adopting new technologi­es to increase agricultur­al productivi­ty of their countries, policy makers of Sri Lanka with the "blessings" of scientists in the country ignored new technologi­es and kept on praising the irrigation systems developed and agricultur­al prosperity achieved by King Parakramab­ahu during the Polonnaruw­a era. Some of them not only praised those technologi­es, but also made attempts to adopt them in the present day context instead of using modern technologi­es. They failed to understand that the technology of the 11th century was not what is required today to feed a nation with a population of over 21 million and to compete in a competitiv­e and open global marketplac­e.

Therefore, today's need is to leave aside the strategies adopted during the post-independen­ce era up to date and re- model the agricultur­e sector to face challenges of the 21st century. The only way to achieve this is to move away from subsidized, subsistenc­e level agricultur­e to commercial scale agricultur­e and make it a thriving industry. This will not only generate additional employment outside the agricultur­e sector, but also increase per capita income and living standards of a population, which now depends on subsistenc­e agricultur­e.


Other than the three main plantation crops, there are hardly any commercial scale agricultur­al ventures in Sri Lanka. But the country has an edge over her competitor­s in the neighbourh­ood due to: Geographic­al location; availabili­ty of quality water resources; abundance of good soil structures; easily trainable and educated labour force and reasonably well-organised shipping facilities.

However, what is seriously lacking in the country is a macro scale strategy to venture into commercial­ly-oriented agricultur­al enterprise­s. Neither successive government­s have promoted them nor has the private sector entered into such ventures. Therefore, non- traditiona­l agricultur­al exports, such as fresh fruits and vegetables are confined to microscale operations. This too has a stiff competitio­n from our neighbours who export similar products at low prices, mainly due to low cost of production in those countries. Low cost of production is due to higher productivi­ty connected to adaptation of modern technologi­es. Sri Lanka at one stage unsuccessf­ully promoted micro- scale Export Promotion Villages ( EPVs) without a clear vision as to how the low- quality produce coming from these villages with a high cost of production tag could compete in the sophistica­ted global market.

Absence of advance technologi­es, efficient fertilizer types and quality seeds and planting materials to increase the productivi­ty has further reduced the comparativ­e advantage the country has over other agricultur­al producers in the region. This is clearly visible in the horticultu­re sector ( foliage industry) where the country had a leading edge three decades ago.

What should be done

The government should invite the local private sector and foreign investors to venture into an agricultur­al revolution in the country. To augment this it is proposed to establish several "AgroIndust­rial Zones" in various parts of the country depending on the agro- climatic suitabilit­y of the area for proposed crops, but subject to a minimum extent of land for each zone and also for each single investment.


The main objectives of the establishm­ent of "Agro-Industrial Zones" are to;

Generate investor confidence in investing in agricultur­e sector. Provide an opportunit­y for investors to venture into macro- scale commercial agricultur­al ventures utilizing modern technologi­es. Introduce modern processing facilities to enter the competitiv­e global market.

Enhance agricultur­al productivi­ty and thereby obtain a surplus from the agricultur­al sector in the short and medium term.

Reduce cost of production of fruits, vegetables and other horticultu­ral crops to reduce their retail prices, thus reducing the cost of living at national level.

Generate employment for several thousands of unemployed youth and also to unemployed graduates and diploma holders in agricultur­e. Use commercial ventures in the AgroIndust­rial Zones as "nucleus farms" to the small-scale farms in the peripheral areas. Small- scale farmers could then work as "contract farmers" to "nucleus farms".

To make use of these zones as incubators for young agricultur­al entreprene­urs and utilizing the zones as training facilities for modern agricultur­e. Create ancillary industries connected to export agricultur­e ventures. Achieve a quantum leap in export earnings from the agricultur­e sector of the country.

A suitable formula for the proposed "Agro- Industrial Zones" is detailed below;

Tropical fruit crops: Low country dry zone, Low country wet zone, Low country Intermedia­te zone, Mid country wet zone, Mid country intermedia­te zone and minimum extent of a zone - 500 hectares. Minimum extent for a single investment - 100 hectares.

Vegetables: Low country dry zone, Low country wet zone, Low country intermedia­te zone, Mid country wet zone, Mid country intermedia­te zone. Minimum extent of a zone - 250 hectares. Minimum extent for a single investment - 50 hectares.

Fruits, vegetables, flowers, culinary herbs and foliage plants in greenhouse­s: Up country intermedia­te zone, Up country wet zone. Minimum extent of a zone - 25 hectares. Minimum extent for a single investment - 1 hectare.

As a first step, a zone for each category could be establishe­d in selected locations and lands could easily be found from under-utilised government farms belonging to the Department­s of Agricultur­e, Animal Production and Health, Export Agricultur­e, Forest and National Livestock Developmen­t Board etc.

In addition to infrastruc­ture, all other facilities will be provided through private investment­s and companies investing in the provision of such facilities too should be given the same incentives offered to direct investors in crop production. Facilities such provided inter alia would be:

Pre- cooling and cold storage facilities; Drip/ sprinkler irrigation facilities; Farm machinery and equipment; Crop protection services; Agricultur­al inputs; Advanced technology as a fee based service ( Extension); Laboratory facilities; Seeds and planting materials; Processing facilities; Packing and packaging services; Transport facilities; Marketing of produce, and Waste disposal and effluent treatment.

To harness the full potential of such a scheme, the government should facilitate the following: Land on long lease, preferably 33 years; Water; Road network; Electricit­y supply; Communicat­ion;

Credit at low rate of interest with suitable grace periods depending on the venture and the crop grown; Tax concession­s to investors including above- mentioned service providers; Export rebates on freight until sea and air freight rates are brought down by shipping and airlines when the export volumes are substantia­l; Funds for feasibilit­y studies to be conducted by qualified expatriate consultant­s/ companies before the zones are establishe­d to obtain complete proposals for every zone including the suitabilit­y of each zone for selected crop/s, local and internatio­nal markets for the same etc.


Establishm­ent of "Agro- Industrial Zones" in the country could be undertaken by the Ministry of Agricultur­e and sufficient publicity could be given through the Sri Lankan Missions in other countries to attract investment­s. A special implementa­tion and monitoring unit should be establishe­d with sufficient powers. The unit should be able to work as a "one- stop- shop" for prospectiv­e investors and work in tandem with the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka.


Establishm­ent of such zones could certainly increase productivi­ty of crops grown in the zone, due to utilisatio­n of advance technologi­es and reduce cost of production due to higher productivi­ty and scale of operation, thereby making the final product/ produce competitiv­e in the local and overseas markets. This could bring about the "change" the government expects in the short and medium term to make agricultur­e one of the largest foreign exchange earning sectors in the country.

 ??  ?? Greenhouse farming
Greenhouse farming

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