Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Post-COVID: Long-term economic success linked to common sense and stable macroecono­mic policies

- By Prof. Sunil J. Wimalawans­a

From the socio-economical point of view, countries most affected were where, administra­tions failed to understand the biology, means of propagatin­g the virus, how to control the COVID-19 epidemic, and consequent­ly, turned control over to the military. The latter in general has no clue of containing an epidemic, never mind a pandemic. The situation got worse with prolonged shutdown of economies through unwarrante­d, inhumane, and harmful curfews and lockdowns.

Such actions were based on poor understand­ing of epidemiolo­gy and thus haphazard planning, a lack of effective strategies, and resultant panic by administra­tions taking improper actions. As a consequenc­e of shutting down economies, household consumptio­n, which accounts for approximat­ely three-quarters of most economies and the trade, came to a halt and economies began to collapse. Administra­tors who championed the disastrous policy must be held accountabl­e for the mess they created. Monetary infusion into markets Massive monetary infusions are designed to keep “oil in the engine” and to prevent the economy from seizing up (Dr. Farookh Langdana, Professor of Macroecono­mics at the Rutgers Business School). Neverthele­ss, with the global shutdowns, within weeks employers and industries in the private sector realised they could function with fewer workers and working them remotely to maintain production, supply chain, and delivery of services.

In contrast, the public sector continues to pay through the taxpayer funds to self and its government servants even though they are not at work, which further drain respective treasuries. Consequent­ly, in open economies, the reduction of jobs occurred rapidly in the private sector and become permanent resulting in the loss of millions of jobs.

However, countries with favourable labour laws protecting employees as in Sri Lanka, companies were forced to swallow the bitter pill and keep paying their employees. This had led to bankruptcy of thousands of smaller companies and consequent permanent loss of a larger number

of jobs. The situation was made worse in those counties with lack of a sensible, balanced labour laws and non-exiting government­al support to business communitie­s, as in Sri Lanka.

Rising inflation or deflation—What is worse?

The current real fear is not inflation but deflation. The latter will lead industries and consumers to suspend purchasing of expensive and nonessenti­al items or funding new projects or constructi­on. While, the low interest rates discourage savings, rising interest rates which occur with inflation will further reduce consumptio­n.

Despite monitoriza­tion (QE) by central banks, the deflation negatively affects growth and the overall economy, and further reduces the household consumptio­n. This can spill over to payment defaults by the government, interest payments on loans, salaries of government employees etc, leading turmoil and unfortunat­e socioecono­mic outcomes. However, it seems that Sri Lanka is heading towards economic deflation.

Situations in the US and China

Despite trade and other disputes, China, and the US are inseparabl­y linked by US dollar investment­s¾the treasuries in the

US. Therefore, the US dollar is highly unlikely to collapse. Moreover, when the economy grows, it will benefit everyone and all countries.

South East Asian countries including Sri Lanka must remedy its monetary policies, multiple internal cracks, and financial mishandlin­gs, relying on nepotism and favouritis­m, ongoing corruption, awarding commission based worthless contracts (a form of bribery). The nation needs to refine its trade, uplift supply chains, gradually reverse its trade deficits, especially with China, curtail import practices, and adhere to the principle of separation of powers of central bank monetary policies and judiciary, from the central administra­tion.

Controllin­g government­al over-expenditur­e

Sri Lanka has overcrowde­d roads, more vehicles and a number of cell phones in use than its population. If the government has a sensible economic policy it should have restricted importatio­ns of cars a while ago, especially the higher capacity luxury vehicles. That would have prevented draining foreign exchange, reduce air pollution, and ease parking and road congestion. The privilege groups, such as politician­s and doctors continue to demand import permits for luxury cars, other unfair and ridic


ulous perks, such as pensions, exuberant overtime payments, as if other profession­als do not work hard. This is another example of abuse of privileges and exploitati­on of public funds.

In addition, the overall situation is abysmal because of the loans-related massive debt and associated large interest payments (in excess of US$ 680 million), money that otherwise could have gone for stimulatin­g the economy, education, and developmen­t of infrastruc­ture. Currently, the government of Sri Lanka is paying no tangible attention to stimulate the economy. Yet, it is preoccupie­d with spending taxpayers’ funds on unproducti­ve activities that has no benefit to the country or its citizens. What is needed now is to drasticall­y curtail the government spending, not monitoriza­tion, taking loans from other countries at exuberant interest rates, or selling national resources and assets to foreign countries.

Dwindling foreign reserves selling national assets, and trade deficits

Under the current status of a significan­t reduction of foreign reserves, expanding trade deficits, and the appearance of community-based secondary COVID-19 peaks, selling national assets or additional borrowings at high interest rates is not the way to steer the country. Instead, government should reduce its expenditur­e including the salaries of government servants at least as an interim measure to prevents its bankruptcy and curtail the rising prices of essential items such as food. The latter is mostly affecting the poorest communitie­s. The government also has the fiduciary duty to protect the country, its sovereignt­y, maintain the law and order and the independen­ce of the judiciary, and support its citizens.

The trend of borrowing money at higher interest rates from China is an economic death trap not only for Sri Lanka but also for several other countries that are in similar financial desperatio­n. It is shocking that these administra­tions do not realise this. It is a sure way to lose valuable hard assets and national treasures that belong to the public. Because of the flawed policies, the lack of national policies for key areas such as water, and ongoing corruption­s over the past several decades, politician­s must be held accountabl­e for the mismanagem­ent of the country, and the current dire financial situation.


No government has the right to sell public assets to fulfil short-term needs or for personal benefit that cause long-term harm to the country and its citizens: In fact, it is in violation of the Constituti­on. In addition to the government, it is the responsibi­lity of the mass media to educate the public unbiasedly and make the public aware of the grave financial and disastrous situations, so that “we the peo ple” (the “constituen­ts”) can make the right choice through the ballot.

Countries need genuine leaders who put the country first in governing, diligently protect its sovereignt­y, and are honestly and deeply interested in the growth and welfare of the people and the long- term progress of socioecono­mic status. Countries need capable and compassion­ate democratic leaders who have the ability to unify everyone and not divide or rely on disunity and destructio­n of the economy and prosperity.

It is not a ‘person’ at a higher office but making right policies for the country and fair implementa­tion is what matters at this stage for Sri Lanka. The latter includes cost-effective developmen­t, establishi­ng a healthy balance of regional and global politics favouring Sri Lanka, avoiding nepotism and corruption, protection of the independen­ce of the Central Bank and the judiciary, facilitati­ng small businesses, maintainin­g the law and order, protecting civil liberty, women and children, prioritizi­ng science and education, and putting the country first.

( The writer is a professor of medicine, endocrinol­ogy and nutrition; former university professor, chief of endocrinol­ogy. He is a world- renowned expert in endocrinol­ogy, osteoporos­is and metabolic bone disease, vitamin D, and nutrition, a Social Entreprene­ur, a process consultant with expertise in founding, managing, and sustaining, global social ventures, and providing strategic long-term vision).

 ??  ?? COVID-19 precaution­s at a tea estate in Sri Lanka
COVID-19 precaution­s at a tea estate in Sri Lanka

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