Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

State of the Art Facilities to EMPOWER You

Industry Engaged Education at NCHS


How would an engineerin­g student maximise on his learning if he doesn’t have access to engineerin­g labs? How would a business student excel without the availabili­ty of an all-inclusive library?

The lack of facilities is one of the major impediment­s that constrict the education of many Sri Lankan youth. With education becoming a popular business, substandar­d facilities have become the norm.

“One of the examples concerning the facilities available at NCHS is the labs. The engineerin­g lab was made according to the precise specificat­ions and guidance of Swinburne university. The equipment was sourced from overseas.” stated Dr. Alan Robertson, Dean of Studies, NCHS.

Facilities constantly updated to meet the students’ needs

Dr. Alan explained that priority is given at NCHS to produce students who are ahead of their peers with regard to the needs of the industry. He said that as the industry evolves, new requiremen­ts emerge and it is the role of the education provider to guide the student to meet these needs.

“We are looking at increasing­ly getting into modern technologi­cal methods of education in the digital world. Great support is received from Swinburne through initiative­s to keep us up to date with

“The facilities at NCHS build on par with the best internatio­nal standards. All the facilities needed are available.” Dr. Alan said. “The resources meet the industry requiremen­ts, and the teaching is mirrored from that of our partner universiti­es”.

global trends in education.” said Dr. Alan.

“The facilities at NCHS build on par with the best internatio­nal standards. All the facilities needed are available.” Dr. Alan said. “The resources meet the industry requiremen­ts, and the teaching is mirrored from that of our partner universiti­es”.

The study programmes conducted at NCHS are identical to that of Swinburne, Australia and CSUMB and follow the same curriculum, methods of teaching and evaluation­s, ensuring high quality and internatio­nal standards. This enables the students to enjoy the high standards of Swinburne from the comfort of their own homes.

Industry-Informed and IndustryEn­gaged Education

The industry- informed and industry- engaged study programmes at NCHS are specially designed to combine rigorous academic studies with practical knowledge essential for the academic and career success of the students.

Start your Inter national Education from the comfort of your own home

Swinburne University of Technology, Australia has exclus ively partnered with the Nawaloka College of Higher Studies ( NCHS) to provide students a guaranteed pathway to prestigiou­s Swinburne degrees. Thus, a flexible, time and costeffect­ive study option is now available locally. Furthermor­e, students will have access to numerous degrees in the stream of Business at Swinburne, Australia and Malaysia.

Students can also select to complete their degrees at the other partner universiti­es, California State University Monterey Bay, California State University San Marcos, California State University Bakersfiel­d, California State University, Sacramento, California State University, Northridge, California State University, Fresno or California State University Humboldt, State University of New York at Albany, or even at the Ulster University, UK.

Global education through a local provider

However, the options are not limited to Australia and Malaysia. Students also are given the opportunit­y to enroll at UK and USA Universiti­es through NCHS.

Located in the heart of Colombo 03, NCHS offers the best facilities which include purpose-built engineerin­g and computer laboratori­es, a resource-oriented library, study areas and ample parking space and reputed academics to administer the programmes.

The same syllabus, methods of delivery and evaluation are followed, ensuring that the pathway programmes conducted at NCHS are of equal standard and quality.

Student loan facilities at special interest rates are also on offer to help students pursue their higher education at NCHS.

To find out more on how you can be a part of the prestigiou­s Swinburne or Cal State degree pathways at NCHS, call 0777 899 998/ 011 5 899 998 or email

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