Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

COVID: Why is coronaviru­s so deadly?

A simple virus has brought life as we know it to a screeching halt.

- By James Gallagher

We have faced viral threats before, including pandemics, yet the world does not shut down for every new infection or flu season.

So what is it about this coronaviru­s? What are the quirks of its biology that pose a unique threat to our bodies and our lives?

Master of deception

In the early stages of an infection the virus is able to deceive the body. Coronaviru­s can be running rampant in our lungs and airways and yet our immune system thinks everything is a-ok.

"This virus is brilliant, it allows you to have a viral factory in your nose and feel completely well," says Prof Paul Lehner from the University of Cambridge.

Our body's cells start releasing chemicals - called interferon­s - once they are being hijacked by a virus and this is a warning signal to the rest of the body and the immune system. But the coronaviru­s has an "amazing capability" of switching off this chemical warning, Prof Lehner says, "it does it so well you don't even know you're ill".

He says when you look at infected cells in the laboratory you cannot tell they have been infected and yet tests show they are "screaming with virus" and this is just one of the "joker cards" the virus can play.

It behaves like a 'hit and run' killer

The amount of virus in our body begins to peak the day before we begin to get sick. But it takes at least a week before Covid progresses to the point where people need hospital treatment.

"This is a really brilliant evolutiona­ry tactic - you don't go to bed, you go out and have a good time," says Prof Lehner.

So the virus is like a dangerous driver fleeing the scene - the virus has moved on to the next victim long before we either recover or die. In stark terms, "the virus doesn't care" if you die, says Prof Lehner, "this is a hit and run virus".

This is a massive contrast with the original Sars-coronaviru­s, back in 2002. It was most infectious days after people became ill, so they were easy to isolate.

It's new, so our bodies are unprepared

Remember the last pandemic? In 2009 there were huge fears about H1N1, aka swine flu. However, it turned out to be no way near as deadly as anticipate­d because older people already had some protection. The new strain was similar enough to some that had been encountere­d in the past.

There are four other human coronaviru­ses, which cause common cold symptoms.

Prof Tracy Hussell from the University of Manchester, said: "This is a new one, so we don't think there's much prior immunity there."

The newness of Sars-CoV-2, to give it the official name, she says, can be "quite a shock to your immune system".

Building an immune defence from scratch is a real problem for older people, as their immune system is slow off the mark. Learning to fight a new infection involves a lot of trial and error from the immune system. But in older age we produce a less diverse pool of T-cells - a core component of the immune system - so it is harder to find ones that can defend against Coronaviru­s.

It does peculiar and unexpected things to the body. Covid starts off as a lung disease and can affect the whole body.

Prof Mauro Giacca, from King's College London, says many aspects of Covid are "unique" to the disease, indeed "it is different from any other common viral disease". He says the virus does more than simply kill lung cells, it corrupts them too. Cells have been seen fusing together into massive and malfunctio­ning cells - called syncytia - that seem to stick around.

And Prof Giacca says you can have "complete regenerati­on" of the lungs after severe flu, but "this does not happen" with COVID. "It is quite a peculiar infection," he said.

Blood clotting also goes strangely awry in Covid, with stories of doctors unable to get a line into a patient because it is immediatel­y blocked with clotted blood. Clotting chemicals in the blood are "200%, 300%, 400% higher" than normal in some Covid patients, says Prof Beverly Hunt from King's College London.

She said: "Quite honestly, in a very long career, I've never seen any group of patients with such sticky blood."

These whole-body effects could be due to the cellular doorway the virus strolls through to infect our cells - called the ACE2 receptor. It is found throughout the body including in blood vessels, the liver and kidneys, as well as the lungs.

The virus can cause runaway inflammati­on in some patients, making the immune system go into overdrive, with damaging consequenc­es for the rest of the body.

 ??  ?? A medical worker wearing protective equipement tends to a patient at the intensive care unit for patients infected with Covid-19 in Liege. (AFP)
A medical worker wearing protective equipement tends to a patient at the intensive care unit for patients infected with Covid-19 in Liege. (AFP)

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