Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

How to develop reading habit


Developing a reading habit is a rewarding endeavour that can enrich your knowledge, improve your vocabulary, and boost your imaginatio­n. Here are some tips to help you establish and maintain a reading habit:

Set Clear Goals:

Determine what you want to achieve through reading. Whether it’s reading more books in a year, exploring a specific genre, or simply making reading a daily routine, having clear goals will give you motivation. Create a Reading Schedule:

Allocate a specific time for reading each day. It could be in the morning, during your lunch break, or before bedtime. Consistenc­y is key to building a habit. Start Small:

If you’re not used to reading regularly, begin with shorter books or articles. Gradually work your way up to longer and more complex texts. Choose Books

You Enjoy:

Pick books that genuinely interest you. Don’t feel pressured to read what’s popular or what others recommend if it doesn’t align with your preference­s.

Create a Comfortabl­e Reading Space:

Designate a cozy and well-lit area where you can read comfortabl­y. Ensure it’s free from distractio­ns like your phone or TV.

Always Have a Book Handy:

Carry a book with you or use e-reader apps on your phone or tablet. This way, you can take advantage of spare moments for reading, such as waiting in line or during your commute. Join a Book Club:

Book clubs provide a sense of community and accountabi­lity. Discussing books with others can make reading more enjoyable and help you stay committed to your reading goals.

Set Realistic Reading Targets:

Don’t pressure yourself to read a certain number of pages or books per day. Set achievable goals that you can comfortabl­y meet.

Limit Screen Time:

Reduce the time spent on screens, especially social media and streaming services, to make more room for reading. Explore Different Genres:

Don’t limit yourself to one genre. Experiment with various types of books—fiction, non-fiction, biographie­s, selfhelp, and more—to keep your reading experience diverse and engaging. Use Reading Apps and Audiobooks:

Consider using audiobooks or e-book apps, which can be more convenient for on-the-go reading.

Reward Yourself:

Reward yourself when you achieve reading milestones. It could be as simple as treating yourself to your favourite snack or buying a new book.

Track Your Progress:

Keep a reading journal or use apps to track your reading progress and set reading challenges for yourself.

Prioritize Reading:

Make reading a priority by consciousl­y choosing it over other leisure activities. Over time, it will become a natural part of your daily routine.

Share Your Reading Journey:

Discuss the books you’re reading with friends and family. Sharing your thoughts and recommenda­tions can make reading more enjoyable and motivate you to read more.

Remember that building a reading habit takes time and patience. Be forgiving of yourself if you miss a day or struggle to finish a book. The goal is to make reading a consistent and enjoyable part of your life, not to turn it into a chore. Over time, you’ll find that the reading habit becomes second nature, and you’ll reap the many benefits it offers.

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