Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

Book Competitio­n

My New Year Resolution­s


10 – 12 years

New Year resolution­s are goals that people set at the beginning of a new year to improve their lives.


My New Year resolution­s are, to keep in touch with my close friends who have left school and gone abroad through online platforms such as WhatsApp and Viber, and keep up my diving status.

My close friends Ranpath, Sasrutha and Kavindu have gone abroad one by one from our motherland Sri Lanka to the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia.

We used to send each other postcards but now we connect through social media, once a week. We discuss the weather, the trips we have gone on, and we share photos and videos to each other. We play games online together, such as Rock – Paper - Scissors and Chess.

And my other resolution is to maintain my level in diving.

I have started doing diving since last year and

I was awarded a gold medal. This year I have decided to continue to improve my dives and to collect more medals DQG FHUWLÀFDWH­V

In my school St. Joseph’s College, we have a swimming pool and we have three diving boards. Two springboar­ds: 3m springboar­d and 1m springboar­d, and one platform with a height of 5m.

$W ÀUVW , ZDV DIUDLG EXW QRZ , HQMR\ GLYLQJ IURP WKHVH ERDUGV )RU ² VHFRQGV , IHHO OLNH ,·P Á\LQJ ZKHQ , GLYH from these high boards. My favourite dives are back half-twist line-up, forward pike and sitting tuck line-up.

It is very good to make New Year resolution­s because it can help us to make the New Year productive and organise ourselves.

Yonal Batuwita (11 years) St. Joseph’s College, Colombo 10

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