Times of Suriname

Obama commutes 330 drug sentences


USA - In a last major act as president, Barack Obama cut short the sentences of 330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes on Thursday, bringing his bid to correct what he’s called a systematic injustice to a climactic close. With his final offer of clemency, Obama brought his total number of commutatio­ns granted to 1,715, more than any other president in US history, the White House said. During his presidency Obama ordered free 568 inmates who had been sentenced to life in prison.

For Obama, it was the last time he planned to exercise his presidenti­al powers in any significan­t way. The final batch of commutatio­ns — more in a single day than on any other day in US history — was the culminatio­n of Obama’s second-term effort to try to remedy the consequenc­es of decades of onerous sentencing requiremen­ts that he said had imprisoned thousands of drug offenders for too long. Obama repeatedly called on Congress to pass a broader criminal justice fix, but lawmakers never acted. For Bernard Smith, it’s a long-awaited chance to start over after 13 years away from his wife and children.

Smith was working at a restaurant in Maryland in 2002 when his brother asked him to obtain marijuana for a drug deal. Though it was his brother who obtained the crack cocaine that the brothers then sold along with the marijuana to undercover officers, Smith was charged with the cocaine offense, too.

His 22-year sentence was far longer than his brother’s, owing to what the court called Smith’s ‘extensive criminal history’ prior to the drug bust. Smith still had 10 years on his sentence when he was notified Thursday that the president, on his last day in office, was giving him another chance.

But freedom for Smith is still two years away. Rather than release him immediatel­y, Obama directed that he be set free in January 2019 — two years after Obama has left office — and only if Smith enrolls in a residentia­l drug treatment program. To be eligible for a commutatio­n under Obama’s initiative, inmates had to have behaved well in prison and already served 10 years, although some exceptions to the 10-year rule were granted. They also had to be considered nonviolent offenders, although many were charged with firearms violations in relation to their drug crimes. (dailymail.co.uk)

 ??  ?? In his last major act as president, Barack Obama cut short the sentences of 330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes.
(Photo: breakingne­wslive)
In his last major act as president, Barack Obama cut short the sentences of 330 federal inmates convicted of drug crimes. (Photo: breakingne­wslive)

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