Times of Suriname

Hamas to present new resistance charter


PALESTINA - The Palestinia­n Hamas movement is expected to unveil a new version of its founding charter yesterday. The group, which controls Gaza, is due to reveal the new document in the Qatari capital Doha, where its leader Khaled Meshaal lives in exile.

The fundamenta­list Islamic organizati­on has long been under pressure to update its 1988 founding document, which calls for the destructio­n of the state of Israel and advocates the use of violence to achieve its goal of restoring a Palestinia­n state.

Critics have used the charter to argue that Hamas is antiSemiti­c and violent at its core. It began the process of creating a new document around a decade ago. It is not yet clear what the revamped charter might look like. Analysts will look for any softening of its language on Israel, its position on borders for a future Palestinia­n state, and whether it frames its struggle as more political than religious. Meshaal is expected to step down as leader of Hamas after serving the maximum two terms. The new leadership will be announced in the coming days, the French news agency AFP reported, quoting a Hamas official.

The new document’s publicatio­n comes ahead of the Palestinia­n Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas’s meeting with US President Donald Trump at the White House tomorrow. (CNN)

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 ??  ?? Palestinia­n men mourn victims killed in an airstrike near the rubble of their home in Rafah, Gaza, on July 29, 2014.(Foto: CNN)
Palestinia­n men mourn victims killed in an airstrike near the rubble of their home in Rafah, Gaza, on July 29, 2014.(Foto: CNN)

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