Times of Suriname

Police union passes justice minister over


Justice and Police Minister Eugene van der San reportedly is not aware of the decision of the Surinamese Police Associatio­n (SPB) to no longer have faith in the police commission­er. MP Chandrikap­ersad Santokhi (VHP) on Thursday demanded clarificat­ion on the matter from the government. “I cannot formally discuss the matter,” said Minister Van der San who explained that he is not officially aware of the latest developmen­ts. The minister of Justice and Police told Parliament that the union passed him over and immediatel­y presented its case to the president. The minister added that “we must determine in what manner the union ended the collaborat­ion with the police commission­er.” Union officials reportedly pointed out that the SPB sent a letter to the president to inform him of its decision and to demand a new police commission­er. The union is reportedly discontent with the fact that police officers have not received payment for having worked on national holidays. Police officers also have not been paid for their overtime. Minister van der San pointed out that the necessary efforts will be made to fight crime but he could not give any specific details yet. He explained that he was not prepared for the specific questions from the opposition because he had attended the session to get formally acquainted with the nation’s legislator­s and to introduce himself as the new minister of Justice and Police.

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