Times of Suriname

Top US general: Drills with South Korea are not up for negotiatio­n


US - A top US general says contentiou­s military exercises with South Korea, due to start on Monday off the Korean peninsula, are not up for negotiatio­n.

US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Joseph Dunford told reporters during a visit to Beijing there would no scaling back of planned military exercises despite the recent tensions with North Korea.

The annual drills antagonize Pyongyang which see the exercises as practice for an invasion, however the US and South Korea maintain they are purely defensive. Dunford’s statement came as South Korean President Moon Jae-in promised his citizens Thursday there “will be no war on the Korean peninsula ever again.” Moon, who took office in May, told a news conference to mark his 100th day in office that US and South Korean policies are aligned on North Korea.

He said US President Donald Trump had assured South Korea he would consult with them before making any military decisions on North Korea.

“Against North Korea, even with extreme pressure, it has to be solved peacefully and our opinion and US opinion about this matter is not different,” Moon said.

Dunford said Thursday that a peaceful resolution to North Korea tensions was still preferred, but that nobody thinks economic pressure will be enough to force Pyongyang to back down. During his nationally televised address, President Moon said North Korea’s developmen­t of nuclear weapons technology was “nearing” a red line, which he described as “completing an ICBM and weaponizin­g it with a nuclear head.”

North Korea claims it has successful­ly miniaturiz­ed a nuclear weapon. While some experts believe it may have the technology, others caution that even if it doesn’t, North Korea should be taken at its word.

“If North Korea provokes again, it will face with much harsher sanction and won’t stand it in the end. I want to warn North Korea to do no more dangerous gambling,” added Moon. Moon’s comments about averting war echoed similar statements he made Tuesday that only South Korea could give consent to initiate any conflict with the North.

“The government, putting everything on the line, will block war by all means,” Moon said.

His comments followed Mattis’ threat that it would be “game on” if North Korea carried out its threat to fire missiles toward the US island territory of Guam. Pyongyang said Tuesday it had finalized a plan to fire four missiles less than 25 miles off Guam but state media said leader Kim Jong Un would wait to assess the US’ next move before giving launch orders. (CNN.COM)

 ??  ?? Jackson Miller:“13 years after the law was first passed it is arguably now time for another review.”
Jackson Miller:“13 years after the law was first passed it is arguably now time for another review.”

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