Times of Suriname

Trump accuser says she’s ‘not surprised’ he called her a liar


US - Rachel Crooks says she is “not surprised” that President Donald Trump called her a liar. “I mean, that’s not the first time,” Crooks said in an interview that aired on CNN last night. Crooks says Trump kissed her without her consent when she was working as a receptioni­st in Trump Tower. Now, more than a decade later, she has decided to run for state office in Ohio. Trump denied Crooks’ accusation in a tweet, following a story in The Washington Post that detailed her account. “A woman I don’t know and, to the best of my knowledge, never met, is on the FRONT PAGE of the Fake News Washington Post saying I kissed her (for two minutes yet) in the lobby of Trump Tower 12 years ago. Never happened! Who would do this in a public space with live security ... cameras running. Another False Accusation. Why doesn’t @washington­post report the story of the women taking money to make up stories about me? One had her home mortgage paid off. Only

so reported...doesn’t fit the Mainstream Media narrative,” he tweeted. At least 15 women have come forward with a wide range of accusation­s against Trump, ranging from sexual harassment and sexual assault to lewd behavior around women. Of the women, 13 say Trump attacked them directly and two others say they witnessed behavior that made them uncomforta­ble. All the alleged incidents took place prior to his assuming the presidency. Trump has repeatedly denied the allegation­s. “It is the first time, I guess, he’s attacked me personally on Twitter, but his whole approach to this has been to deny the allegation of myself and, like you said, almost 20 women who have come forward. So it’s not surprising,” Crooks told CNN’s Don Lemon. “But I would think as our President he would have more important things to do than tweet at me and try to discredit my story. I know what’s true, he knows what’s true and I think he should be afraid of that.”


 ??  ?? Rachel Crooks says Trump kissed her without her consent when she was working as a receptioni­st in Trump Tower. (Photo: CNN)
Rachel Crooks says Trump kissed her without her consent when she was working as a receptioni­st in Trump Tower. (Photo: CNN) @FoxNews

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