Times of Suriname

Israel responds to explosive kites with Gaza strikes


ISRAEL - Israel struck nine targets in northern Gaza overnight yesterday in response to the launching of explosive and incendiary kites by Palestinia­ns, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said yesterday. The airstrikes were aimed at two military compounds and a munitions manufactur­ing site, according to the IDF. The strikes followed the launch of numerous kites and balloons from Gaza that were either carrying explosives or intended to start fires in southern Israel.

Israel has struggled to find an adequate way of dealing with the low-tech kites, which have sparked more than 400 fires and burned more than 6,000 acres of farmland, according to a spokesman for Israel’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

The fires have done an estimated $2 million in damage, said Idit Lev-Zerahia, a spokeswoma­n for Israel’s Tax Authority.

The IDF has increased its response in recent days, firing warning shots near Palestinia­ns casting off the kites and targeting Hamas outposts near kite-launching sites. In addition, three rockets were launched from Gaza toward Israel early Monday morning, the IDF said. Two landed in open areas, while a third landed in Gaza.

The use of kites by Gazan demonstrat­ors has increased significan­tly in recent weeks, and is part of a months-long protest movement along the fence separating Gaza and Israel, in which more than 120 Palestinia­ns have been killed. Israel has been accused of using excessive force against the protesters, a charge the country’s leaders have denied.

Israel claims Hamas, the militant group that controls Gaza, is orchestrat­ing the protests. (CNN)

 ??  ?? An explosion is seen in Gaza City after an airstrike. (Photo: The Times of Israel)
An explosion is seen in Gaza City after an airstrike. (Photo: The Times of Israel)

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