Times of Suriname

National Parent Collective condemns disruption of education process


The National Parent Collective on Tuesday condemned the 1-day strike that was issued by the Teachers’ Associatio­n (BvL) and the Alliance for Teachers in Suriname (ALS). Eldridge Zaandam, member of the National Parent Collective, pointed out that parties opt for the ultimate tool to swiftly by deciding to exrcise their right to go on strike. “This is something that has happened often in the past couple of years. The collectice rejects the fact that the education unions have already made it clear that they will not go to school. How hard can it be to give the new minister of Education, Science and Culture time to carry out her policy? We as parents deem it unnecessar­y. The people immediatel­y decide to go on strike. When will the minister work if a union keeps showing up at her frontdoor with various demands?” asked Zaandam whose daughter attends classes at a secondary school junior level (Mulo). “When parties are not on the same page about something, they should talks things out. The parents are fed up with the strikes,” said Zaandam who is puzzled by the fact that years ago Wilgo Valies, chairman of the BvL and the ALS, had demanded that educators be given salaries according to the Fiso system. Once the educators had received it, Valies pointed out that he no longer wanted Fiso for his members but a revaluatio­n. “They got the revaluatio­n and now they also want the 25% raise of the civil servants. What is Mister Valies doing? We as parents do not understand it, everytime he presents other demands.” The National Parent Collective reportedly posted a message on Facebook in response to the 1-day campaign of the BvL and the ALS on the first day of school, October 1. “Dear parents and guardians. We can no longer remain on the sidelines while the education process is at risk of being disrupted again. Let’s unite and drag the people who strike to court. United we stand strong! Enough is enough!” On Tuesday Education, Science and Culture Minister Lilian Ferrier told the press that the chairman of the BvL and ALS can’t decide when the school can open. She made it clear that the schools must open on Monday.

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