Times of Suriname

Emmanuel Macron is auditionin­g to be leader of the free world


NEW YORK It must have been toe-curling. The leader of the nation that painted much of the globe an imperial red promising tax breaks for big business to compensate for leaving the world’s largest trading bloc. American businessme­n listening to British Prime Minister Theresa May might have been forgiven for embarrasse­d coughs while she made undelivera­ble promises like a second-hand car salesman on the fringes of the United Nations General Assembly in New York this week. Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America, showed no such restraint. When he claimed that his administra­tion’s achievemen­ts were perhaps the greatest in US history, the world’s leaders laughed out loud. Driven by the populist British vote to leave the European Union and by Trump’s equally populist rejection of “globalism,” the UK and US seem driven to embarrassi­ng self-harm. Pulling on a sensible rhetorical jersey, Macron was on a mission to put himself and France at the center of things, loudly denouncing the isolationi­sm of Britain and the US. “Only collective action allows for the upholding of the sovereignt­y and equality of the people in whose name we take action,” Macron said. “This is the reason we must take action against climate, demographi­c and digital challenges. No one alone can tackle these.” Trump’s administra­tion is allergic to and has threatened to break the Internatio­nal Criminal Court, which prosecutes war crimes. Theresa May, as Britain’s Home Secretary, was frequently frustrated by the European Court of Human Rights (a largely postSecond World War British creation) when it came to the court’s enforcemen­t of the rights of prisoners and terrorists. The UK is pulling out of the EU, the richest trade bloc on the planet. The US is locked in a trade war with China, pulled out of the Trans Pacific Partnershi­p, a trade bloc of 12 economic powerhouse­s, and wants to renegotiat­e the terms of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

The US has also pulled out of the Paris agreement on combating climate change. Macron clearly believed he spoke for many at the UN when he said: “If courage is lacking in the defense of fundamenta­l principles, internatio­nal order becomes fragile and this can lead as we have already seen twice, to global war. We saw that with our very own eyes.”

Of course for a French president with approval ratings at 28%, according to a poll this month conducted by OpinionWay, taking a swipe at Les Anglo-Saxons is rarely unpopular. But no matter how much Les Rosbifs and Les Yanquees are any French politician’s whipping boys, his appeal to internatio­nalism, his passion but style at the podium and a general appeal to good sense will have resonated beyond the assembly’s chambers.

Here, after all, is the leader of the only democracy left among the permanent five members of the Security Council that still seems to believe that a world organized under the imperfect structures of multilater­al diplomacy and its rules is one worth preserving. Binding Europe economical­ly within the EU and much of the rest of the world to internatio­nal convention­s has not meant that “globalism” has prevented all conflicts. But it could have been much worse.


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