Times of Suriname

Oil company trains 32 young Berbicians to conduct Geochemica­l surveys


GUYANA - CGX Energy Inc, through its 62 percent owned subsidiary, ON Energy Inc., recently engaged in a tangible demonstrat­ion of how local content can be developed and harnessed by the Oil and Gas Sector.

The oil company embarked on an extensive Geochemica­l Survey of its onshore Berbice Block, utilizing almost 100 percent local content trained by the company. An initiative which was announced by the company’s Executive Chairman and Guyanese Professor, Suresh Narine, at the Berbice Business Expo earlier in October, was made good when 32 young Berbicians from the University of Guyana Berbice Campus, Upper Corentyne Technical Institute, New Amsterdam Technical Institute and GUYSUCO Port Mourant Training Centre were trained in the theoretica­l and technical aspects of Geochemica­l Surveying. The training was conducted at the Tain Campus of the University of Guyana by three experts from Houston, Texas and one from Toronto, Canada. Professor Narine, himself a Professor of Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy, also conducted part of the training.

The company originally announced that it would hire 20 of the 30 individual­s who would be trained, but Prof. Narine explained that they were able, instead, to provide employment for all 32 students participat­ing in the training. These students will all participat­e in the survey itself.

CGX indicated that it took the decision to train locals rather than contract experts from abroad since this type of surveying is likely to be utilized by other companies in the sector and therefore it opens the doors for locals trained in this type of analysis to be gainfully employed. Narine even posited that CGX would provide some support for company creation if some of the locally trained individual­s decided to set up a third-party company in Geochemica­l Surveying.

Narine indicated that the company has purchased the equipment necessary for the collection of samples and that the company would be pleased to donate this equipment, following the completion of its survey, to a locally formed company if this becomes a reality.

It all fits into the company’s focus on Corporate Social Responsibi­lity in the education sector. Narine explained that the training focused on Berbice because the company’s onshore block and its deep-water port facility and shore base are located in Region Six. Therefore, the company has a commitment to the residents of the region. The company, which also holds two offshore licences, is the only exploratio­n company, which operates in the basin and has drilled three onshore wells, all in the Berbice Block. Its work plan stipulates that it conducts a 120 square kilometer Geochemica­l Survey on the Berbice Block. Prof. Narine explained that the company is conducting a 1100 square kilometer survey as ON Energy believes that the prospectiv­ity onshore Guyana’s coast is significan­tly enhanced due to the recent finds by ExxonMobil and its partners offshore Guyana.

The oil finds offshore Guyana have been determined to be of the same type and source as oil finds onshore in Suriname in the Tambaredjo producing fields, leading to an increased level of prospectiv­ity and interest in Guyana’s coast.

Because of this increased attention, Narine posits that extensive areas of the coast will now be surveyed using the non-invasive Geochemica­l Analysis, so as to further map the possible existence of commercial hydrocarbo­n deposits.

(Kaieteur News)

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