Times of Suriname

Cuban specialist­s give President Granger good health report


Cuban doctors have given President David Granger a good health report. His cancer remains in remission. According to a statement, Granger arrived in Havana on January 18, 2020 to undergo a scheduled medical evaluation which was completed Monday. “The team of Cuban medical specialist­s confirmed that the President’s medical examinatio­n shows that he has improved to the satisfacti­on of his doctors and that he is in good health.” According to the statement, the specialist­s iterated that the President responded “very well” to the treatment at CIMEQ in Cuba and that the Non-Hodgkin

Lymphoma remains in remission.

Granger was


He is set to commission a new magistrate­s’ court in Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara today.

The president started taking treatment in Cuba after being diagnosed in late 2018. He received several rounds of treatment before it was determined that his cancer was in remission.

The president has been ordered by doctors for routine checkups in Cuba. Meanwhile, it was disclosed that a number of African Ambassador­s in Cuba paid a courtesy call on President


to leave

Granger while he was there. The meeting took place Monday.

“President David Granger, yesterday, received the ambassador­s of the Republic of Ghana, the Republic of Namibia, the Republic of Gambia and the Republic of Zimbabwe, who are based in Havana, Cuba. He took the opportunit­y to brief them on the present political and economic situation in Guyana and outlined his Decade of Developmen­t Program for 2020-2029 explaining that it was based on four pillars: The Green State, the Petroleum State, the Digital State and the Education Nation.”

It was disclosed that the African ambassador­s inquired about the prospects of deepening of bilateral relations with Guyana with President Granger pointing that there was great scope for the developmen­t of trade and economic relations. “The expansion of Guyana’s rice exports to the African continent and the sale of Guyana’s rum was an area of interest to the Ambassador­s. President Granger also updated them on his medical condition and the ambassador­s congratula­ted him on his good state of health as they prayed for his full and complete recovery.”

(Kaieteur News)

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