Bangkok Post

The US can learn from Australia on guns

Sections of America appear to be in denial over the positive aspects of arms control crackdowns down under By Austin Ramzy, Patrick Boehler and Michelle Innis


In the continuing debate over how to stop mass killings in the United States, Australia has become a familiar touchstone. President Barack Obama has cited the country’s gun laws as a model for the United States, calling Australia a nation “like ours”. On the campaign trail, Hillary Clinton has said the Australian approach is “worth considerin­g”. The National Rifle Associatio­n, meanwhile, has dismissed the policies, contending that they “robbed Australian­s of their right to self-defence and empowered criminals” without reducing violent crime.

The oft-cited statistic in Australia is a simple one: There have been no mass killings — defined by experts there as a gunman killing five or more people besides himself — since the nation significan­tly tightened its gun control laws almost 20 years ago.

Mass shootings in Australia were rare anyway. But after a gunman massacred 35 people in the Tasmanian town of Port Arthur in 1996, a public outcry spurred a national consensus to severely restrict firearms. The tightened laws, which were standardis­ed across Australia, are more stringent than those of any state in the United States, including California.

Pushed through by John Howard, the conservati­ve prime minister at the time, the National Firearms Agreement prohibited automatic and semi-automatic assault rifles and pump shotguns, in all but unusual cases. It tightened licensing rules, establishe­d a 28-day waiting period for gun purchases, created a national gun registry, and instituted a temporary buyback programme that removed more than 20% of firearms from public circulatio­n.

Several of the measures, including waiting periods and background checks, have been adopted piecemeal by different states in America. But the United States has never tried a national gun buyback programme; in Australia, that required raising taxes. And the United States has never been able to do what Howard did: Forge a broad agreement on a sweeping set of gun control measures that applies to the entire nation.

A test of those laws came in December 2014, when a gunman who had expressed sympathy for Islamic extremism took hostages in a cafe in Sydney. The assailant, Man Haron Monis, brandished a sawedoff, pump action shotgun that he had obtained illegally.

An inquest said the gun may have been in circulatio­n before pump action shotguns were essentiall­y banned in 1996 and was never confiscate­d in the buyback. According to the inquest, his shells were 15 to 20 years old.

During the 17-hour siege of the cafe, Monis fired several times, once into a wall, before killing the cafe manager. At that point, police stormed in, killing the gunman and another hostage in the crossfire.

It is impossible to say whether gun restrictio­ns saved lives in the siege, but some politician­s say they believe so.

“It is the ready availabili­ty of weapons, particular­ly those that are automatic or semi-automatic, that increases the likelihood that people in a moment of madness, or malice, or hatred, will kill a lot of people,” Mr Howard said in October, after a man opened fire on a community college campus in Oregon, killing nine.

Measuring the broad effectiven­ess of Australia’s gun control laws is complicate­d. Australian­s themselves continue to debate their impact, and some have sought to loosen restrictio­ns on gun ownership.

Critics have argued that gun violence was falling in Australia before 1996 and would have continued to fall even without the gun control measures. Others have suggested that even as gun-related deaths fell, people in Australia may have resorted to using other weapons to kill.

To assess these claims, scholars have examined not just mass shootings, but also all intentiona­l deaths caused by firearms, adjusting for population growth.

Total intentiona­l gun deaths fell by half in the decade after the 1996 restrictio­ns were put in place, even as Australia’s population grew nearly 14%. The rate of gun suicides per 100,000 people dropped 65% from 1995 to 2006, and the rate of gun homicides fell 59%, according to a 2010 study by Andrew Leigh of Australian National University and Christine Neill of Wilfrid Laurier University.

When the data in that study is updated to include the latest figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, as well as the numbers going back to 1968, several facts emerge.

First, the rates of intentiona­l firearm deaths were substantia­lly higher in the 28 years before the gun control measures were adopted in 1996 than in the 17 years after. How much of that decline can be attributed to the new policies can be debated, but the difference is clear.

Second, the initial drop in firearm deaths in the decade after the 1996 restrictio­ns were enacted appears to have levelled off. In 2013, the most recent year for which figures are available, there were 200 gun-related homicides and suicides, for a rate of 0.87 deaths per 100,000 residents. That is up slightly from the low in 2005, when 0.82 deaths per 100,000 residents were recorded, but still far below the 2.71 deaths per 100,000 residents in 1996.

The data confirms that gun deaths were already falling before the National Firearms Agreement. The rate of intentiona­l gun deaths fell about 33% from 1986 to 1996. The decline accelerate­d, however, under the new gun control measures, with the rate dropping about 60% from 1996 to 2006.

The impact of the gun laws is difficult to assess partly because of the low rates of intentiona­l firearms deaths in Australia. Gun-related homicide rates are even lower, because suicides make up about 80% of all gun deaths.

Looking at gun-related suicides and homicides separately also shows similar trends — higher rates of both before 1996 than after, declines in the decade before 1996 but sharper declines in the decade after, and a levelling off in recent years.

Mr Leigh and Ms Neill tried to measure the effect of the 1996 measures across Australian states and territorie­s to see whether different levels of gun confiscati­on led to different results.

They found that the places where the most guns were removed from public circulatio­n also experience­d the largest drops in intentiona­l gun deaths.

The data also indicates that overall homicide and suicide rates fell in the decade after 1996, meaning Australian­s did not respond to the gun control measures by killing one another or themselves using other weapons at higher rates.

Overall, Mr Leigh and Ms Neill estimate that at least 200 lives are saved annually because of Australia’s gun buyback programme.

The introducti­on to the Australian market this year of a shotgun that allows rapid fire using a lever action rekindled debate over the restrictio­ns, with some enthusiast­s arguing that they felt cheated out of owning a gun. The government banned a version of the shotgun that holds seven rounds but approved a fiveround version.

Senator David Leyonhjelm, who supports easing gun controls, said Australia resembled Britain, Canada and New Zealand, where mass shootings are infrequent.

 ??  ?? LOOKING TO SAVE LIVES: Activists with the Virginia Gun Violence Prevention Coalition demonstrat­e in front of the National Rifle Associatio­n headquarte­rs in Virginia.
LOOKING TO SAVE LIVES: Activists with the Virginia Gun Violence Prevention Coalition demonstrat­e in front of the National Rifle Associatio­n headquarte­rs in Virginia.

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