Bangkok Post


An entreprene­ur has come up with a joint venture of a different kind with products that will do more than just keep you awake

- By Mark Ellwood

It was during an endless drive home from a camping trip in eastern Washington that entreprene­ur Adam Stites came up with his latest product. “What would happen if I infused heavy cream with cannabis, then mixed it with my coffee?” he mused. “My VW van doesn’t go very fast, so I have a lot of time to think,” he explained.

He road-tested the idea as soon as he arrived home. So strong was the first dose, Mr Stites woke up 13 hours after he chugged a single cup. Nonetheles­s, his profession­al interest was piqued. Not long after, he set up Mirth Provisions to sell a commercial version of his creation: marijuana-infused cold-brew coffee, dosed up with 20 milligrams of THC per serving. Waggishly named “Legal”, it is the ultimate wake and bake.

“Our customers are not looking to get blown out of their mind, just ever so slightly tilt their relativity,” Mr Stites said, employing the lyricism of a man who clearly started his day with a cup of Legal. “It’s great for a Sunday morning, where I’m at a tea house reading the newspaper and want to focus and get some work done,” he said from a conference in Las Vegas.


It required a complex process for Mr Stites to develop his signature product. Binding the weed and beans into a functional joint venture was a major hurdle. Coffee and cannabis molecules separate when brewed because cannabis oil is not water-soluble; much of Mirth Provisions’ intellectu­al property rests in the unique way it uses plant-based emulsifier­s to keep the oil evenly suspended in water.

Moreover, Mr Stites had to find the ideal cannabis strain to complement coffee in both flavour and effect. Cannabis contains two crucial components: THC, the psychoacti­ve element most closely associated with feeling high, and CBD, which has no hallucinog­enic impact and usually leads to alertness. The two major species of marijuana, sativa and indica, contain varying proportion­s of THC and CBD. Mr Stites spent months trying to find the ideal ratio of each, testing 50 different strains before narrowing his final choices. Legal’s range includes plain coffee, coffee with sugar and milk and even fruit drinks, each juiced with its own herb recipe.

Weed adds a rich, earthy base to the flavour, he explains, while Legal’s mixture of THC and CBD confers a calm sense of focus on caffeine’s jittery high. Caffeine is absorbed almost instantly by the body, but it takes from 45 minutes to 90 minutes for the human body to process the weed so it can prolong the caffeine high, Mr Stites said.


The potential profits from a mash-up of coffee and caffeine are, well, high. Per IRI data from Bloomberg Intelligen­ce, coffee sales in America totalled US$9.4 billion (about 340 billion baht) in the 52 weeks ending on Nov 1; it’s harder to gauge the size of the pot industry nationwide, but most estimates put it about $3 billion annually. Legal coffee has racked up sales of $439,815 since it launched in September last year, all but $6,737 of which came in during the current calendar year.

Given these numbers, Mr Stites isn’t alone in creating canna-coffee, drinkable riffs on a spliff. Elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest, Vancouver, Washington-based Fairwinds Manufactur­ing produces Catapult, its own Mary Jane joe, by applying oil to whole coffee beans before grinding and stabilisin­g the mixture. Intended as a home-brew alternativ­e, Catapult is handily packaged in pellets that fit any Keurig-like machine. The company sold about 2,000 units last month, and owner James Hull estimates that sales are increasing by 15% month-over-month.

Both these figures are for a single state — Washington — but it’s easy to see the enormous potential market as the legalisati­on of cannabis spreads. The same issue was debated on Nov 16 at a public hearing in New Jersey.

In California, where marijuana is legal for medical purposes, Jill Amen’s Bay Area-based House of Jane also offers a house-baked coffee. Amen uses special filters in pre-packaged sachets that allow the weed molecules to pass freely into the brewed liquid. She also offers various strength levels — up to 200mg in a single serving (plus a creamer containing 20mg per dose, if you dare).

“It blows my mind. I would never have guessed, but there are quite a few patients in a huge amount of pain, or who at least have an extraordin­arily high tolerance,” she said by phone. Amen is also in Las Vegas, at one of the weed industry’s many new confabs, The Marijuana Business Conference & Expo.

Another California company offers little more than a token toke: LA’s Compelling & Rich uses “herb conditione­d” Ethiopian Yirgacheff­e beans. Owner and roastmaste­r Kian Abedini calls his process “hot-boxing the roasting room”: Beans are exposed to vaporised marijuana when still green and unroasted. This means that the remaining residue is insufficie­nt for drinkers to get high.


The rush of canna-coffees isn’t driven solely by the potential of its dual market, according to Jordan Michelman, co-founder of Sprudge, a Portland-based online coffee magazine. The Washington native suggests cultural factors play a role, too.

“In the Pacific Northwest, there’s this slang term for a Northwest Speed Ball, which is a shot of espresso and a puff of marijuana, and people have been doing that for quite some time,” he said.

As Michelman points out, both cafe- and counter-cultures emerged simultaneo­usly and in the same place: Beatniks and hippies have been drinking espresso and smoking joints in the Pacific Northwest since the 1960s. Since marijuana was legalised, coffee-roasters have been able to capitalise on that associatio­n legally, creating Speed Ball-inspired products such as Legal coffee.

Michelman calls Legal the “best tasting” of all the weed-infused brews he’s tried. It doesn’t hurt that canna-coffes are high-margin, novelty gimmicks for dispensari­es to use in luring curious newcomers, much as vaporisers probably did when first launched.


All this raises some of the safety questions inspired by vaporisers, especially the issue of gateway products. A study, published in the Journal of Neuroscien­ce by a team from a branch of the National Institutes of Health, explored the impact of a caffeine-like drug on lab monkeys; its findings suggested that doses of such a chemical tended to lead to higher intakes of weed.

Combining the two, it seems, could be risky, at least according to Gary Wenk, an Ohio State neuroscien­ce professor and author of Your Brain on Food.

“Coffee enhances marijuana’s addictive properties,” Wenk said. Since it turbo-charges marijuana’s euphoria in that way, Wenk continued, coffee spiked with weed could lead to dependence on the latter.

“If [drugs] share some molecular mechanisms, their effects might become additive, or even synergisti­c. That’s why it’s never a good idea to combine psychoacti­ve drugs. The effects can be hard to predict.”

The biggest challenge for this budding industry, though, is that current laws bar consumptio­n on premises, Amsterdam-style, in coffee shops. Legal and its ilk must be brewed — and consumed — at home.

Mr Stites is primed for those rules to change, saying that Legal’s emulsifica­tion process could be adapted for serving at a convention­al cafe. Weed-infused coffee could easily be made fresh, on-demand, in the same way Europeanst­yle espresso corretto is charged with a slug of grappa.

Just picture a tiny drop of concentrat­ed hash oil on top of that foam. And amazing latte art, we’re sure. Once that’s permitted, Sprudge’s Jordan Michelman expects most major Pacific Northwest-based coffee companies to launch their own herb blends. “You won’t just see one brand doing it — you’ll see a rush into that market,” Michelman said. Look for the Starbakes signs on Pike Place soon.

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 ??  ?? MARY JANE IN YOUR JOE?: Extracts of the marijuana plant are now being mixed with coffee.
MARY JANE IN YOUR JOE?: Extracts of the marijuana plant are now being mixed with coffee.

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