Bangkok Post

Erdogan seeks control of Turkish spy agency

Will ‘directly oversee’ military chief of staff


ANKARA: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the weekend said he wanted to introduce constituti­onal changes to bring the Turkish spy agency and military chief of staff directly under his control as he seeks to tighten his grip on the country after the failed coup.

Turkey meanwhile pressed ahead with a crackdown on the alleged accomplice­s of the coup bid, which Mr Erdogan said has resulted in the detention of almost 19,000 people but has also sparked internatio­nal concern.

“We are going to introduce a small constituti­onal package [to parliament] which, if approved, will bring the National Intelligen­ce Organisati­on [MIT] and chief of staff under the control of the presidency,” Mr Erdogan told A-Haber television in an interview.

The government would need support from opposition parties to push through the shift because a super majority of twothirds of deputies is needed to make constituti­onal changes.

Mr Erdogan added that in the wake of the July 15 coup bid “military schools will be closed ... and a national military university will be founded” as part of a widerangin­g shake-up of the military.

He also said that in future the heads of the land, sea and air forces will report directly to the Defence Minister Fikri Isik.

The changes, announced just over two weeks after the coup attempt, appear aimed at giving Mr Erdogan more control over the armed forces and intelligen­ce.

Rogue elements in the military — whom Mr Erdogan says were controlled by the US-based preacher Fethullah Gulen — surprised the authoritie­s by launching the coup, while the president has also complained of intelligen­ce failures.

Mr Erdogan said he was unhappy with the informatio­n received from the MIT and its chief Hakan Fidan on the night of the coup attempt.

“There was unfortunat­ely in all of this a serious intelligen­ce failure,” he said.

Turkey on Thursday already reshuffled the upper echelons of its military after nearly half of its 358 generals were sacked for complicity in the failed coup.

A senior official said on Saturday that Turkey had intercepte­d encrypted messages sent by followers of Mr Gulen on the app ByLock well before the coup attempt, giving Ankara the names of tens of thousands within the preacher’s network.

Mr Gulen denies any involvemen­t in the attempted putsch.

Mr Erdogan also said a three-month state of emergency declared in the wake of the coup bid could be extended, as the French authoritie­s did after a string of jihadist attacks in the country.

“If things do not return to normal in the state of emergency then like France we could extend it,” Mr Erdogan said.

The president said that until now 18,699 people had been detained in the crackdown, with 10,137 of them placed under arrest.

Seventeen journalist­s remanded in custody by an Istanbul court over links to Mr Gulen woke up in jails across the city on Saturday as internatio­nal concern grows over the targeting of reporters after the thwarted putsch.

Twenty-one journalist­s had appeared before a judge in hearings lasting until midnight on Friday. Four were then freed but the rest were placed under pre-trial arrest, charged with “membership of a terror group”, the state-run Anadolu news agency said.

Those still being held include the veteran journalist Nazli Ilicak as well as the former correspond­ent for the pro-Gulen Zaman daily paper Hanim Busra Erdal.

“It’s not right to arrest journalist­s — this country should not make the same mistakes again,” said Bulent Mumay, one of the four freed.

Mr Erdogan announced that as a gesture of goodwill he was dropping hundreds of lawsuits against individual­s accused of “disrespect­ful” insults against him.

Thousands of those detained after the coup bid have now been released, with an Istanbul court freeing 758 soldiers late on Friday, adding to another 3,500 former suspects already set free.

Among those released were 62 students from Istanbul’s military academy — many said to be in their teens — who left Maltepe jail to an emotional reunion with relatives, Dogan news agency said.

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