Bangkok Post

Fool’s gold


The search for lost or hidden treasure is older than Jason and the golden fleece. Legend and history assure us it exists, on land and beneath the sea. Fortune hunters have been searching for it, high and low, for millennia. The Templars squirrelle­d away their trove, but where?

The pharaohs were placed in booby-trapped pyramids with their riches, but clever tomb raiders broke in and stole it. The Incas of Peru hid their treasure from the Conquistad­ors in the peak of Machu Picchu. Myth has it there’s a city of gold in North America, not found as yet.

Hurricanes sank silver-laden galleons in the Atlantic Ocean. Mariners can’t stop looking. Maps, X-marks the spot of Captain Kidd’s treasure chests, are still being snatched up by people with shovels. A problem is, when found abroad who is their legitimate owner?

Then again, how many of such legends and histories are based on fact? Truth be told, wishful thinking lies behind more than a few. The desire to become wealthy trumps scepticism. On the title page of The Prisoner’s Gold by Yank author Chris Kuzneski it states it’s a work of fiction.

Taking a leaf from Alexandre Dumas’ The Count Of Monte Cristo, a prisoner in a dungeon informs his new-found friend in the next cell about his savings as a merchant, but not revealing where he’s hidden it. The setting, like the confidant, is Genoa. The merchant, Venetian, is Marco Polo. The year is 1208.

Eight hundred years later, the treasure has yet to be found. Hunters aren’t above tracking one another and stealing what may have been found, even killing their fellows for clues discovered. Which is what keeps happening in this story as all follow the route Marco Polo took to the palace of Kublai Khan.

Cobb leads the good team, Feng the evil one. However, one member of Cobb’s team belongs to the other side. And there are two leaders above Feng, all revealing themselves in good time. Pitched battles now and then. A particular­ly exciting one is between a helicopter and a drone.

A computer expert is a penultimat­e hacker. A linguist is fluent in medieval Mongolian. The climactic penultimat­e chapter takes place in Sri Lanka. The author makes clear that treasure hunting isn’t a past-time for amateurs. Those in it are deadly serious.

 ??  ?? The Prisoner’s Gold by Chris Kuzneski Headline 371pp Available at Asia Books and leading bookshops 350 baht
The Prisoner’s Gold by Chris Kuzneski Headline 371pp Available at Asia Books and leading bookshops 350 baht

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