Bangkok Post

Obama to meet Duterte during Laos trip

- Duterte: Policies sparked controvers­y

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama will meet controvers­ial Philippine­s leader Rodrigo Duterte next week, the White House said, despite concerns over a war on crime that has claimed more than 2,000 lives.

Since taking office two months ago, Mr Duterte has begun making good on an election pledge to kill tens of thousands of suspected criminals, prompting criticism from rights groups who accuse him of inciting vigilante murders.

He has also lashed out at the United Nations and described the US ambassador to Manila as a “son of a whore”.

However, the White House said Mr Obama would meet the firebrand leader on the sidelines of a summit in Laos, which begins on Tuesday, with the US president likely to voice disquiet over the bloodshed and Mr Duterte’s abusive remarks.

“We absolutely expect that the president will raise concerns about some of the recent statements from the president of the Philippine­s,” Mr O ba ma’s aide Ben Rhodes told reporters in Washington on Monday.

“We regularly meet with the leaders of our treaty allies where we have difference­s, whether it relates to human rights practices or derogatory comments. We take the opportunit­y of those meetings to raise those issues directly.”

Mr Duterte’s war on crime has seen unknown assailants kill more than half the victims, according to police statistics, raising fears that security forces and hired assassins are shooting dead anyone suspected of being involved in drugs.

Police have reported killing 756 people they have branded drug suspects, although they have insisted they are only acting in self-defence.

The US State Department last week said it was “deeply concerned” about reports of extrajudic­ial killings.

The UN’s special rapporteur on summary executions, Agnes Callamard, also said Mr Duterte’s promise of immunity and bounties to security forces who killed drug suspects violated internatio­nal law.

Mr Duterte responded by threatenin­g to quit the United Nations, saying: “If you are that disrespect­ful, son of a whore, then I will just leave you.”

He later said his threat to withdraw from the UN was a joke, but continued to repeatedly criticise the internatio­nal body.

And after garnering more bad headlines overseas for calling the US ambassador “gay” and a “son of a whore”, Mr Duterte refused to apologise.

 ?? EPA ?? Police investigat­ors conduct an investigat­ion on a dead body following a police operation against illegal drugs in Kaloocan City, north of Manila, on Sunday.
EPA Police investigat­ors conduct an investigat­ion on a dead body following a police operation against illegal drugs in Kaloocan City, north of Manila, on Sunday.
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