Bangkok Post

Forget coal and embrace Energy 3.0

- Anchalee Kongrut writes on developmen­t issues for the Bangkok Post. Anchalee Kongrut

The protesters are clad in green T-shirts. They raise banners which read “No Coal”, “Save the Environmen­t”. The place is Government House. The scene feels like deja vu. I have to pinch myself as it seems like I am back in the late 90s, a time when environmen­tal protests were frequent across the country.

The time is different though. It is 2017 and The Land of Smiles is ruled by a military junta which for me is a 1.0 version of political governance. These protesters and activists have come to Bangkok to protest against coal-fired power plants, technology espoused during Industrial Revolution Version 2.0. Protesters want Energy 3.0 — biomass, solar and wind.

So, the result is a version of George Orwell’s 1984. This time, activists are arrested by version 1.0 junta security forces. Then, the 1984 style Big Brother goes on nationwide television on Saturday evening. State officials provide informatio­n to make the public “understand” how good, how vital coal fuel is for Thailand. So we are required to understand that we have no choice but to let the state build a medium-size coal-fired power plant along the touristy Krabi coast in order to avoid costly blackouts which will lead to a reduction in GDP.

Indeed, I had already anticipate­d the government approving coal-fired power plants. The most surprising thing is the reaction from Abhisit Vejjajiva and Korn Chatikavan­ij, the Democrat power players who criticised the government’s decision. Mr Korn, a scion of capitalism, even proposes the use of renewable energy. I only hope they remember their words if elected to power again.

Mr Abhisit is so right in one aspect: the world is shifting toward low-carbon and renewable energy, and the government, regrettabl­y, may be missing an opportunit­y to march into the future.

So, you may wonder what the future will bring.

It will be a world where energy and electricit­y is supplied from trans-national grids in which the energy comes from various sources — hydro dams, natural gas or even coal, solar, wind and biomass, sent from one region to another, from Russia to Japan, for example, or from China’s dams to South Asia. Our homes will have roofs which serve as solar-photovolta­ic cells but look gorgeous and easy to take care of. Electricit­y will come from something that our parents found in sci-fi movies such as floating wind-turbines in oceans, or safe and clean nuclear fusion reactors.

You might laugh and think I am drunk or dreaming. Fortunatel­y, for all of us, I am not. Some versions of these are in the making or even in use. Elon Musk, owner of Tesla, the pioneering electric car, is expanding his business to build tiles and glass that can convert sunlight into electricit­y and develop better batteries for storing renewable energy for electric cars or home use.

The UK has had a 630-megawatt offshore wind energy farm in Kent since 2013, and California is competing to install a larger capacity 765 megawatt wind turbine on a buoyant platform to power 200,000 homes.

But do not underestim­ate Bangkok. Last month, Escap held its first ministeria­l meeting on Asia-Pacific Energy Connectivi­ty in our capital city to jump start plants to establish the Asia-Pacific transbound­ary energy grid. This grid will link countries from Russia to China to share energy transmissi­on technology and help integrate renewable energy into the transbound­ary grid smoothly.

Last year, I had an interestin­g interview with Jaeyong Park, an astrophysi­cist and former researcher at the renowned Los Alamos National Laboratory in the US, when he came to give a lecture on nuclear fusion technology at Khon Kaen University.

Dr Park —now president of EMC2 researchin­g and developing on nuclear fusion — came to find out whether government­s in Asian countries are interested in funding nuclear fusion research. Indeed, nuclear physics scientists like him are going into the commercial sector because investors are now looking at nuclear fusion, a technology once perceived as too far-fetched, but is now increasing­ly closer to reaching the commercial stage.

Billionair­es like Amazon owner Jeff Bezos, PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, Elon Musk or companies like Lockheed Martin and government­s in the EU, the US, the Russia Federation and our neighbour Malaysia reportedly fund nuclear fusion projects.

Are these energy version 4.0, or further ahead? I don’t know.

But it is not just innovation; it is leadership, curiosity and courage to think outside the box, to try to push the limits and reach for the stars.

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