Bangkok Post

Settrade’s latest adds dollar-cost averaging

- Co, an internet trading platform and investment technology provider, has unveiled Settrade DCA Order, a trading function that enables investment in securities based on dollar-cost averaging (DCA), on the company’s streaming applicatio­n.

DCA is a strategy that requires investors to put in a fixed amount of money at regular intervals over time, regardless of market conditions. The practice helps investors manage timing risk and stick to investment goals.

The company has also introduced the Settrade app for iOS and Android, providing i nvestors with up-to-date market informatio­n.

Amatee Prapapant,’s acting managing director, said the concept of investment savings plan based on DCA has gained popularity among investors.

This new function allows investors to place orders in advance by specifying conditions and time period, while enabling them to check their order status and get end-of-the-day reports.

In addition, the streaming app offers a back-testing function whereby investors can simulate return on investment using historical data.

The Settrade app provides key investment informatio­n and tools to support investors, including Virtual Portfolio and Click2Win (a trading simulation).

The new trading function and app will be demonstrat­ed at the SET booth during the Money Expo organised by Money & Banking magazine.

The event will take place May 11-14 at Impact Muang Thong Thani.

 ??  ?? The Settrade app provides investment informatio­n and tools such as historical data and end-of-the-day reports.
The Settrade app provides investment informatio­n and tools such as historical data and end-of-the-day reports.

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